
  • Word Preparation
    • regard someone/sth. as: 把...视为
    • spoil: 破坏,糟蹋
    • travel light: 轻装旅行
    • hot spot: (旅游)热点地区
    • valuables: 贵重物品
    • as good as it gets: 已经尽力了
  • Grammar
    • 用不同的方式表达想法或看法

Word Preparation

regard someone/sth. as: 把…视为

to think of something or someone in some way

I have always regarded you as my best friend.

Steve Jobs is regarded as one of the greatest innovators in the technology industry.
在科技行业中,史蒂芬•乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 最伟大的革新者之一。

spoil: 破坏,糟蹋

to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest, or beauty of something

Their vacation was spoiled by the heavy rain.

The beautiful scenery of the lake was spoiled by the building of apartments near it.

travel light: 轻装旅行

to bring very few things when you travel

I prefer to travel light because it’s easier to move.

Kate hardly ever travels light because she always thinks she needs more than she does bring.

hot spot: (旅游)热点地区

a very popular place for vacation

Yosemite is a hot spot for people who want to go hiking.

This book talks about all the hot spots in France.

valuables: 贵重物品

small objects, especially jewellery (jewelry), which might be sold for a lot of money.

Please don’t leave your valuables in a hotel room.

Amy lost some of her valuables when she was on the subway.

as good as it gets: 已经尽力了

something is not very good and cannot be improved

For the given budget, the decoration of the house is as good as it gets.

That car’s performance is as good as it gets.



  • In my opinion, travelling is the best way to enjoy our vacation.
  • I think you’re right.
  1. I reckon … ,意为 “我认为,我想”。这种表达不是很正式,多用于口头表达。例如,
    I reckon the train will arrive soon.
  2. Frankly speaking … ,意为 “坦白的说”。例如,
    Frankly speaking, I dislike this film.
  3. If you ask me …,用于强调个人意见,意为 “依我看”。例如,
    If you ask me, the real problem is the way that the media has handled this.
  • I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train.
  • Frankly speaking, I hope to get a higher salary.
  • If you ask me, people should go on a training course if they want to become good parents.

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