【2019.09】溢油合成孔径雷达成像机理Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mechanism for Oil Spills,共300页。



For today’s engineers, there are few collective references regarding oil spill pollution and even fewer that explain the role of understanding radar imaging of oil spills.


Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mechanism for Oil Spills delivers the critical tool needed to understand the latest technology in radar imaging of oil spills, particularly microwave radar as a main source to understand the analysis and application in the field of marine pollution.


Filling the gap between modern physics quantum theory and applications of radar imaging of oil spills, this reference is packed with technical details associated to the potentiality of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and key methods to be used to extract the value-added information necessary such as location, size, perimeter, and chemical details of the oil slick from SAR measurements.


Rounding out with practical simulation trajectory movements of oil spills using radar images, Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mechanism for Oil Spills brings an effective new source of technology and applications for today’s oil and marine pollution engineers.


Bridge between theory and application of the techniques involving oil spill monitoring


Understand a new approach of four-dimensional automatic detection


Advance knowledge on image processing based on intelligent learning machine algorithms and new techniques for detection such as quantum and multi-objective algorithms



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