
  • Word Preparation
    • safeguard: 保卫,保护
    • scanner: 扫描仪
    • in safe hands: 受到妥善照管的
    • rest assured: 放心,确信无疑
    • metal detector: 金属探测器
    • safety measure: 安全措施
  • Grammar
    • 表达赞同的方式

Word Preparation

safeguard: 保卫,保护

to protect something from harm, loss, or damage

We need to safeguard our valuables so they don’t get stolen.

The Union safeguards the interests of all its members.

scanner: 扫描仪

a device for making images of the inside of the body or for reading information into a computer system

We need to buy a new scanner since ours is broken.

The scanner generates a report informing you of what is discovered.

in safe hands: 受到妥善照管的

cared for with great attention

Don’t worry. Your daughter is in safe hands.

Don’t worry. She is in safe hands at the hospital.

rest assured: 放心,确信无疑

to be certain that something will happen

You can rest assured that you children will be safe.

She can’t rest assured until she hears the doctor say those words.

metal detector: 金属探测器

a machine that signals when metal is near

He goes round fields and beaches with his metal detector, hoping to find buried treasure.

She was unable to find her ring, so she thinks the metal detector might help.

safety measure: 安全措施

something done to prevent something bad from happening

We should take extra safety measures to prevent an accident from happening.

There are many safety measures in place to safeguard children from getting hurt.



  • You said it!
  • You can say that again.
  • You took the words right out of my mouth.


  • — Wow, it’s really hot here!
    — Yo said it!
  • — Their football team seems to have lost a lot of games.
    — You can say that again.
  • — Let’s stop watching this film. I can’t stand it anymore.
    — You took the words right out of my mouth.

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