
  • Word Preparation
    • knowledgeable: 知识渊博的
    • face-to-face: 面对面的
    • well-educated: 受过良好教育的
    • educational institution: 教育机构
    • formal education: 正规教育
    • change for the better: 改善,好转,变好
  • Grammar
    • how to express '*agreement*' or '*disagreement*'

Word Preparation

knowledgeable: 知识渊博的

knowing a lot

My teacher is very knowledgeable on plants and animals.

I hope one day I will be a very knowledgeable and wise person.

face-to-face: 面对面的

involving close contact or directly facing each other

I would rather have a face-to-face talk than negotiate over the telephone.

It would be better if we can have a face-to-face meeting.

well-educated: 受过良好教育的

having a good education

Our company is looking for a well-educated and ambitious person to hire.

A well-educated person does not necessarily have a good taste.

educational institution: 教育机构

an organization that offers learning or education

This is a wonderful educational institution because it is able to meet every student’s needs.

There are many different types of educational institutions these days.

formal education: 正规教育

process of gaining knowledge in a school, college, or university

James is very knowledgeable, but he has no formal education.

My sister does not believe that formal education is very important.

change for the better: 改善,好转,变好

to improve

Life changed a lot after I graduated, but it changed for the better.

Transportation has changed a lot over the past years, but it has changed for better.


how to express ‘agreement’ or ‘disagreement

  • That’s right.
  • I guess you’re right about that.
  • That’s true, but …
  • I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.


  • — I guess you work in the Sales Department?
    — That’s right.
  • I guess you are right about that. We should have set off earlier.
  • — Some people find it very difficult to work quickly.
    — That’s true, and they often find exams very stressful.
  • I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. I think people don’t have to receive formal education to be knowledgeable.

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