
  • Word Preparation
    • clueless: 一无所知的,不了解的
    • register: 登记,注册
    • virtual community: 虚拟社区
    • means of communication: 交流手段,交流方式
    • make sth. public: 公之于众
    • personal information: 个人信息
  • Grammar
    • the usage of "be + *adj.* + about (doing) sth."

Word Preparation

clueless: 一无所知的,不了解的

having no knowledge of something, or of things in general

I am still clueless about how to solve this problem.

Many people are still clueless about weather conditions.

register: 登记,注册

to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record

You should bring your insurance card with you when you register with a dentist or doctor.

Students need to register for the course before April 2nd.

virtual community: 虚拟社区

a connection of people sharing common interests over the Internet

There are many topics that people discuss with their virtual community.

Many ideas are spread through virtual communities over the Internet.

means of communication: 交流手段,交流方式

ways or methods of exchanging information

Text messaging is the most convenient means of communication for me.

The engineers are trying to invent another means of communication.

make sth. public: 公之于众

to allow anyone to know something

They made their news of expecting a baby public a month later.

She doesn’t want to make this information public until she is ready to talk about it.

personal information: 个人信息

facts about oneself

Please write your personal information on this paper when you register.

Richard never gives out his personal information over the Internet.


the usage of “be + adj. + about (doing) sth.”

  • I am really clueless about anything related to information technology.
  • I am not comfortable about making my personal information public.
    这两个句子都使用了 “be + adj. + about (doing) sth.” 的结构,表示 “对…感到…”。be clueless about 表示 “对…一无所知”,be not comfortable about 表示 “对…感到不舒服”。

还可以说 be happy about 和 be worry about,分别表示 “对…很满意” 和 “对…很担心”。

  • Many teacher are clueless about the needs of immigrant students.
  • I was not entirely comfortable about the plans they had made.
  • Mom wasn’t happy about Tess going off travelling on her own.
  • Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.

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