

string matching

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)

Problem Description

String matching is a common type of problem in computer science. One string matching problem is as following:

Given a string s[0…len−1], please calculate the length of the longest common prefix of s[i…len−1] and s[0…len−1] for each i>0.

I believe everyone can do it by brute force.
The pseudo code of the brute force approach is as the following:

We are wondering, for any given string, what is the number of compare operations invoked if we use the above algorithm. Please tell us the answer before we attempt to run this algorithm.


The first line contains an integer T, denoting the number of test cases.
Each test case contains one string in a line consisting of printable ASCII characters except space.

* 1≤T≤30

* string length ≤106 for every string


For each test, print an integer in one line indicating the number of compare operations invoked if we run the algorithm in the statement against the input string.

Sample Input





Sample Output









#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int maxn=1000010; //字符串长度最大值
int nxt[maxn];
char s[maxn];
ll  solve(char str[])
{ll ans = 0;int i=0,j,po,len=strlen(str);nxt[0]=len; //初始化nxt[0]while(str[i]==str[i+1] && i+1<len) i++; nxt[1]=i; //计算nxt[1]ans += nxt[1];if(nxt[1] != len - 1) ans++;po=1; //初始化po的位置for(i=2;i<len;i++){if(nxt[i-po]+i < nxt[po]+po) //第一种情况,可以直接得到nxt[i]的值nxt[i]=nxt[i-po];else //第二种情况,要继续匹配才能得到nxt[i]的值{j = nxt[po]+po-i;if(j<0) j=0; //如果i>po+nxt[po],则要从头开始匹配while(i+j<len && str[j]==str[j+i]) j++; nxt[i]=j;po=i; //更新po的位置}ans += nxt[i];if(nxt[i] != len - i) ans++;}return ans;
int main()
{//freopen("/Users/zhangkanqi/Desktop/11.txt","r",stdin);int t;scanf("%d", &t);while(t--){scanf("%s",s);printf("%lld\n", solve(s));}return 0;

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