
DIRECTIONS: Read the sentence given with each word and choose the best meaning for it.
Wooden spears or swords should be used only by children with sense enough not to injure other people.

A.to point at B.to hurt C.to scare
Though kites may have scientific and other uses, they are still favorite playthings.

A.developed earliest B.liked best C.used most
He was the wealthiest glass manufacturer on the continent, so he could afford to do anything.
A.to find enough time and money for B.to supply C.to do as one wi
He thought his reason had broken down and his career ended.

A.reputation B.life’s work; job C.trip on ship
But they had failed to keep out the cold.
A.not to be able to do B.to receive a low mark C.to grow weak
A waiter saw his worn trousers and shoes.
A.second-hand B.fairly good C.old and brok
We are doing a project with the local police.
A.in other countries B.in the newspaper C.in the area around
Then he asked the king to attend one of his dinners.
A.to pay attention to B.to take care of C.to be present at
She vowed that she would do all she could for them.
A.to hope B.to promise C.to say
In 1931, she was successful in establishing the first school for the children of lepers.
A.to write about B.to come into C.to set up
The winner in 1953 was a baby born to a girl who had been raised in one of Eunice Weaver’s school.
A.to accept B.to bring up C.to educate

Life insurance involves people paying money to a company.
A.to mix with B.to include C.to demand
Grey Owl could study beavers in peace.

A.a state of quietness B. a period without war C.a place with good weather

At the end of every talk there was great applause.

A.shouting angry words B. clapping hands to show praise C.shedding tears

His audience stood and cheered him.

A.to show anger B.) to make fun of C. to give shouts of supports

One such story describes a visit made by a Baron Munchausen.

A.to draw a shape of B) to make clear C) to tell about

If he needed to think, all he had to do was consult his head.
A.to talk to B) to make friends with C) to get advice from
I was attracted by some strange smell.
A.to make excited B) to get the attention of C) to cause to
Young Paddock was pleased by his excellent riding ability.
A.strength B.method C.power
As he walked, the recalled his first visit to the park.
A.to think for a while B.to call again C.to remember
A white boy about his own age had sat down opposite him.
A.face to face B.side by side C.upside down
Then the door was shut and the figure came over to him.
A.an important person
B.any of the numbers from 0 to 9
C.the form of a whole human body
Now you see how some suits of playing cards have more value or power than others.
A.real worth .power to buy C.great meaning
In India scientists had tried to increase plant yield with music.
A.the result gained B.the amount produced C.the effect brought about

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs or prepositions.
1.Because of the rain, the basketball match has been put ____ until next week.
2.The many regional varieties of Chinese are as different _____ each other as French is from Spanish or as English is from German.
3.As the president’s car appeared, the waiting crowds broke _____loud cheers.
4.I just wonder how you could make such an important decision based _____ your personal likes and dislikes.
5.The company ran much more smoothly after the new manager took it _____.
6.There are many ways of enlarging your vocabulary; _____ instance, reading extensively.
7.Give me a call when you get _____ work and I’ll come to pick you up and take you out to dinner.
8.It is cold outside; make sure you put _____ your thick coat.
9.Father kept inviting Mrs. Smith to say for lunch, and finally she gave _____.
10.I finally got ______ to replying to your letter; I am sorry it took so long.
11.Just as Fridman pointed _____, if we are to succeed as a society in the 21st century, we must do away with our anti-intellectualism.
12.An experienced driver can find out what is wrong _____ the car engine just by listening to the sound it makes.
13.It was the truck driver’s carelessness that was responsible _____ the accident.
14.She made an important contribution _____ the company’s success.
15.He knows that smoking is harmful to his health, but he just couldn’t give it .
16.He set _____ a small engineering business making parts for computers.
17.The professor showed the students how mechanical energy is converted into electric energy, which, _____ turn, is changed back into mechanical energy.
18.It really took us by surprise when we heard that the respectable old had been involved _____ a murder case.
19.The orphan never dreamed that he would wind _____ owning so much property.
20.She was fired because she couldn’t cope _____ the duties of her new position.
21.Our plane arrives very late, so we won’t be checking _____ at the hotel until after midnight.
the very beginning, we took a firm stand against the NATO bombing.
23.The neighbors asked them to stop making so much noise, but they kept right _____ singing.
24.The old lady never seemed to have enough money, but somehow she managed to get _____.
III. Cloze
DIRECTIONS: Fill in each blank with a word given below. Change the form of the word if necessary.
addition works minimum basis adopt participate revise concept desirable national
Because the copyright laws of countries differ, basic uniform copyright protection on a worldwide (1) _____ has become increasingly necessary and (2) _____. Established in 1886 and (3) _____ several times later, the Berne Convention sets certain (4) _____ standards for copyright in those countries adhering to it. In (5) _____, the Convention employs the principle of (6) _____ treatment ---- that is, that a signatory country should give protection to (7) _____ from other countries at least as favorable as to those of the country itself. Although the United States did not adhere to Berne until 1989, it (8) _____ in the composition of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) which was (9) _____ at Geneva in 1952. The UCC also embodies fundamental (10) _____ of US and European copyright law but set less severe minimum standards than Berne.
subject giving advantage meaningful reading picture unsatisfactory express arise disadvantage guess
One advantage of the essay test is that it reduces the element of luck. The student cannot get a high score just by making a lucky guess. Another (1) ______ is that it shows the examiner more about the student’s ability to put facts together into a (2) ______ whole. It should show how deeply he has thought about the subject. Sometimes, though, essay tests have (3) _______, too. Some students are about to write rather good answers without really knowing much about the (4) _____, while other students who actually know the material have trouble (5) ______ their ideas in essay for. Besides, on an essay test the student’s score may depend upon the examiner’s feelings at the time of (6) _____ the answer.
Most teachers and students would probably agree that examinations are (178) _____. Students dislike taking them; teachers dislike (8) _____ them and scoring students’ answers. Whether an objective test or an essay test is used, problems (9) _____. When some objective questions are used along with some essay questions, however, a fairly clear (10) ______ of the student knowledge can usually be obtained.
incorrect misunderstanding radio right up unexplained predict happen century temperature
Many people listen to the weather forecast on the (1) _____ in morning so that they will not overdress on warm days or underdress on cold days. Other people do not listen, because weather forecasts are very often (2) _____. These people say that weather forecasters are unable even to (3) _____ when it will rain, so they probably do not know anything. This shows a (4) _____ of weather science.
Weather scientists have been studying the weather for more than a (5) _____. Although some things are still (6) _____, they understand the causes of different types of weather. However, they cannot always predict what will actually (7) _____. For instance, they may know that conditions are right for snow. However, if the (8) ____ goes (9) _____ a few degrees, or if the wind changes direction just a little, the conditions will not be (10) _____ for snow anymore. Such small changes are still unpredictable.
fatalities avoid impaired behind adult declining signal protect pedestrian case against ride
Each year thousands of (1) _____ are killed by motor vehicles. Most of the victims are children under the age of 14 and (2) _____ over 64, though in the mid-1980s the number of deaths among pedestrians in these two age groups was (3) _____. It takes two to prevent motor-vehicle accidents to pedestrians ---- the driver and the person on foot. Even the best driver cannot (4) _____ an accident when a pedestrian acts foolishly. The most common situations in which pedestrians are struck by cars are when the pedestrians are walking (5) _____ traffic (6) _____, crossing streets without looking to see if a car is coming. Among the increasing number of young-adult victims, it is often the (7) _____ that the victims had been using alcohol or drugs that (8) _____ their judgment.
Thousands of other people are killed while (9) _____ motorcycles or bicycles. Wearing helmets can decrease the number of (10) ______ and serious injuries among both motorcyclists and bicyclists. Again, skill, common sense, alertness, and courtesy are essential to safety.
IV.Reading Comprehension
I) Directions: Reading the passage and answer the following questions.
Ever felt like murdering your neighbor for blasting (吹奏) music too loud? That’s exactly what 78-year-old retired farmer Lambrinos Lykouresis did two years ago in Lithakia, on the Greek island of Zakynthos. Lykouresis, who claims he had complained to his neighbor for months and only wanted to listen to the evening news in peace, suddenly snapped. On May 31, 1996 he got up from his armchair, took his hunting rifle from the shelf, hobbled over to the neighboring apartment and rang the bell. When 40-year-old housewife Imberia Bozike answered the door, he fired three times at pointblank range, killing her instantly and wounding 24-year-old son.
Lykouresis now listens to the evening news in Greece’s Ioannina maximum security prison. Convicted (定罪 )of manslaughter in 1996, he is serving two life sentences. The Lykouresis case is an extreme example of the lengths to which some people will go for a little peace and quiet. And it’s sad testimony(证明)to the devastating effects of one of the world’s most pervasive yet least publicized environmental problems: noise pollution, the presence of intrusive and unwanted sounds that can seriously affect physical and psychological health.
A recent study conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranked Greece as the noisiest nation in Europe. In Athens alone, 60% of the capital’s 5 million residents are subjected to noise volumes above 75 decibels(dB), a level that is double the threshold(阀)at which symptoms such as aggression and hypertension can occur. “There’s no such thing as peace and quiet here anymore,” says Takis Goulielmos, a senior member of Greece’s Association for the Quality of Life. “Noise pollution is becoming the country’s greatest health threat. If effective measures are not taken, Greeks will either turn mad or deaf.”
1.Why was Lykouresis so upset early in 1996?
2.What did Lykouresis do on May 31, 1996?
3.What is the author’s purpose to write Lukouresis’s story?
4.What is the main idea of the passage?
5.Which country is known as the noisiest nation in Europe?
Can you remember the first time you learned how to ride a bike or drive a car? Learning these skills changed your life forever and opened up new horizons. Learning about computers can be like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car. Once you have invested the time to master the skills, you will never go back to the old days. The new technology is simply too convenient and too powerful.
Technological developments through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. We have continuously looked for better ways of doing things. Each invention and new development has allowed us to extend our capabilities. Today we see one of the most dramatic technologies ever developed — the computer. It extends the capabilities of our minds.
Computers have saved organizations millions of dollars. Furthermore, these same computer systems have opened up new opportunities that would have gone undiscovered or neglected. The computer can multiply what we can do, and the return on investment (投资) is high. The growth of computer usage is surprising. On the other hand, the computer can do serious damage. Invasion of privacy, fraud(欺诈), and computer-related mistakes are just a few shocking examples.
The computer is like a double-edged sword. It has the ability to cut us free from some activities, but it can also cut deeply into profits, personal privacy, and our society in general. How it is used is not a function of the current technology. It is strictly a function of how people decide to use or misuse this new technology. The choice is yours, and only through a knowledge of computer systems
will you be able to avoid the danger while enjoying the many, many benefits of the computer age.
1.Why does the writer think learning about computers is like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car?
2.What does the word “extend” in the second paragraph mean?
3.According to the passage, what benefit do computers bring people?
4.What damage do computers do to us?
5.How can we avoid the bad effects of computers?
“My advisor wants me to call him by his first name,” many foreign graduate students in the U.S. have said. “ I just can’t do it! It doesn’t seem right. I have to show my respect.”
On the other hand, professors have said of foreign students, “They keep bowing and saying ‘ Yes, sir, yes, sir.’ I can hardly stand it! I wish they’d stop being so polite and just say what they have on their minds.”
Differing ideas about formality and respect frequently complicate relationships between American professors and students from abroad, especially Asian students ( and most especially female Asian students). The professors generally prefer informal relationships (sometimes, but not always, including use of first names rather than of titles and family names) and a little acknowledgment of status differences. Many foreign students are used to more formal relationships and sometimes have difficulty bringing themselves to speak to their teachers at all, let alone address them by their given names.
The characteristics of student-teacher relationships on American campuses vary somewhat, depending on whether the students involved are undergraduate or graduate students, and depending on the size and nature of the school. Graduate students typically have more intense relationships with their professors than undergraduates do; at smaller schools student-teacher relationships are typically even less formal than they are at larger schools.
To say that student-teacher relationships are informal is not to say that there are no recognized status differences between the two groups. There are. But students may show their respect mainly in the vocabulary and tone of voice they use when speaking to teachers. Much of their behavior around teachers may seem to foreign students to be disrespectful. American students will eat in class, read newspapers, and assume quite informal postures. Teachers might not enjoy such behavior, but they tolerate it. Students, after, all, are individuals who have the right to decide for themselves how they are going to act.
1.What does the term “status differences” in this passage refer to? (
2.Why do American students behave as they please in class?
3.What two elements do the characteristics of student-teacher relationships on American campuses depend on?
4.What do American teachers prefer about the relationship between teachers and students?
5.How do students show their respect in the U.S.?
You think it’s a good idea; she doesn’t. You want to take action; she wants to wait. You want this; she wants that. You are absolutely sure you’re right; she’s even more sure she is.
If you and this co-worker don’t reach a compromise soon, you’ll both be too defensive and angry to reach one at all. The time to give a little, so you’ll get a little, is NOW.
The window of opportunity for reaching compromises is a small one even between good friends, so sit back, take five or six deep breaths, and start communicating.
Start listening, as well as talking.
Compromise is “a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions,” says the American Heritage Dictionary.
If you’re trying to reach a compromise, a good first step is to define your goal and encourage the other person to do the same. Then share any information that might help you to reach a compromise.
A good second step is to listen carefully to the other person’s point of view. Don’t interrupt. Don’t agree or disagree. This will not only ensure that you understand her point of view, but will also demonstrate that you’re willing to listen to what she has to say.
Next, put aside any preconceived notions you have about the “right” way to accomplish your goals. Then force yourself to think of at least one other way to accomplish them that incorporates (包含) your and her best suggestions.
Don’t think vertically, in other wards: one-up-one-down, or I’m-right-you’re-wrong. Think laterally (横向地) , instead; place her idea and yours on a straight line, side by side, and add more ideas as she and you come up with them.
You’ll end up with TWO good ideas in the pot — yours and your co-worker’s. and when two reasonable people are willing to compromise, they’re likely to come up with a third way of accomplishing goals — one that satisfies both.
1.What does one need to do in order to get a little?
2.What is the first step one has to take to reach a compromise?
3.When you listen carefully to the other person’s point of view, what should you do?
4.What is a compromise likely to produce? (a third way of accomplishing goals)
5.What do you think “compromise” mean?
II) Directions: Read the following passages and make the best choices.

Superman is the last survivor of the blown-up planet Krypton; his job is the eternal fight against the evil-doers of Metropolis. Without his smart uniform he is the reporter Clark Kent, ignored by young girl reporter Lois Lane, who never suspects that this awkward weakling is no other than the Man of Steel himself. “Superman” is the creation of the science fiction fans Jerry Siegel (author) and Joe Shuster (artist). Although turned down by big newspapers for five years, it was a huge success from the beginning when it finally appeared in Action Comics in 1938, offering the reader easy wish fulfillment, while Superman’s fake personality Clark Kent, the common man as seen by superman, allowed a focusing of sympathy. Superman brought forth Superwoman, Superboy and Superdog, and sometimes teamed up with “Batman”. Like Superman, Batman is “a mysterious and adventurous figure fighting for righteousness and catching the wrong-doer, in his lone battle against the evil forces of society.” Batman, however, is not a superhuman hero, having to rely more than Superman on his wits.
1.Who is the last survivor of the exploded planet Krypton?
2.Lois Lane ignores Superman without him uniform because _____.
A.he is an evil-doer
B.he is not an excellent reporter
C.he often show himself off
D.he is clumsy and weak
3.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Batman fights against the evil forces in society together with Superman.
B.Clark Kent, a reporter, is sympathized by readers.
C.Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created the character “Superman”.
D.“Superman” first appeared in Action Comics in 1938.
At one time, I was convinced that real learning would be at hand if every child had a computer. I was convinced that computers would revolutionize education and hold immense possibilities for learning.
That possibility has not become a reality yet. Based on recent test results, far too many Californian children have not mastered the basic reading, math, and writing skills necessary to function at a minimal level in our society. And far too many children do not have the commitment to concentrate on learning to get a good education. These kids need good teachers, not fast computers.
No one will argue that computers have educational uses. Unfortunately, in far too many instances, the classroom computer has replaced the television set as a game tool to occupy children. One wonders what is the use of an Internet feed to the classroom if the child does not read.
There are those who believe that bringing a computer to the classroom will supplement what teachers teach. That is difficult to comprehend since teachers are always telling us how many subjects and how little time they have to teach. When a child is occupied with a computer for any length of time, that child does not get the attention of teachers and the required learning that should occupy their class time.
Educators are now looking into requiring teachers and students to become computer proficient. And districts that do not have enough dollars for textbooks are spending their meager funds to buy computers and software, all in the name of technology and computer competency.
One would think that educators would come to the realization that computers are tools not much different from libraries, calculators, movie or slide projectors. Kids must still learn and be inspired to study basic skills, think, write, communicate, solve problems, and be good citizens.
And while it is good for students to make use of computers, we must not get carried away with faster and more powerful computers at the expense of basic skills, effective teaching and powerful learning.
4.The writer of this passage argues that students really need _____.
B. teachers
C.books in the library
D.games with their classmates
5.The writer particularly points out a problem with many children, i.e., they do not have _____.
A. basic skills
B.knowledge of computers
C.computers in their classrooms
D. good and competent teachers
6.In the writer’s opinion, which of the following statements is not true?
A.Computers have educational uses.
B.Computers shouldn’t take the place of teaching in the classroom.
C.Computers offer games that occupy children’s learning time.
D.Computers help children focus their attention on study.
7.The writer’s attitude to educators can be best described as _____.
8.The word “meager” in paragraph 5 most probably means _____.
In 1986, more than 3 million persons were injured and 20,500 persons died in the United States as a result of accidents that occurred in the home. Home should be the sagest place of all, but carelessness makes it one of the most dangerous. Accidents can happen when people use tables and chairs as ladders, misuse kitchen appliances, and leave objects on stairways that others can trip over. Common hazards such as these cause the greatest number of accidents in the home.
Falls are the largest single cause of home accidents. Strong window screens and gates at the top of stairs will protect small children against falls from windows and down stairs. Every staircase should have a strong handrail and should be well lighted. Small rugs on polished floors should have a rubber backing or be fastened down to keep them from sliding. A rubber mat and a hand grip will help prevent slipping in the bathtub. Many kitchen falls can be prevented by wiping up spilled water and grease.
9.How many people died in the U.S.A. as a result of home accidents in 1986?
A.About three million.
B.Over two million.
C.About twenty thousand
10.What may cause an accident in the home?
A.A rubber mat
B.A small rug on the polished floor.
C.A well-lit staircase.
11.Which of the following is the largest single cause of home accidents?
When I thought about writing this essay, I realized that the value of teaching is surely different to each of us, and second only to the value of learning.
It has been my experience that the teachers who most enjoy their subject, and who most care about their students are those who make the best teachers — the ones whom I most remember. My favorite teachers throughout elementary school, high school and now college are the few that I remember as sharing their knowledge of a given subject, not just teaching the textbook. These are not the teachers who assign a chapter’s worth of reading and answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. They know their subject inside and out, enjoy the subject, and truly love sharing it with others. They want to open their world of knowledge to their students, whether they are young or old.
The value of teaching, to me, is the opportunity it provides the teacher to watch the students grow and expand their horizons based on interest, energy, knowledge, and experiences shared in the classroom. Hands-on projects will stay with them longer than just hear-say wisdom or reading a textbook. This is the kind of teacher I want to be. I want to make history come alive in my classroom for each individual who sits in on my class.
The value of teaching from a student’s view is the opportunity learning provides to open new world to himself or herself with the curiosity to explore whatever is interesting. It is the opportunity for parents provide information to their children through people other than their own personal knowledge and experiences.
In closing, it is my belief that the value of teaching touches everyone, always. Where there are teachers, there will be students. The world must never run out of teachers, for we must never stop learning.
12.This passage is mainly about _____.
A.how the writer and his parents view teaching
B.a comparison of different teaching methods in the classroom
C.how to keep a good relationship between teachers and students
D.the necessity and importance of good teaching
13.As far as the writer remembers, he prefers a few good teachers to others because the latter _____.
A.show off their knowledge
B,have little experience
C.teach no more than what’s in the textbook
D.give too many reading assignments
14.The writer thinks that, in order to teach well, teachers should _____.
A.have a college education
B.have knowledge of many fields
C.be offered opportunities to study further
D.be thoroughly knowledgeable about their subject
15.In the writer’s opinion, to be a good teacher, it is more important for one to _____.
A.help students with reading
B.give students chances to practice
C.be full of wisdom
D.provide as much information as possible
16.It can be learned from this passage that teachers are valued by parents because they think teachers _____.
A.make their children more interested in learning
B.have more energy, knowledge and experiences
C.help expand their children’s horizons
D.know what to teach and how to each
Ellen sat down in the library next to her friend Don, threw down her chemistry textbook, and began to cry. Don asked her what was wrong. Ellen explained that she had studied all night for her chemistry quiz. When she took the quiz she had been very tired. Even after studying all night, there were a lot of questions she hadn’t been able to answer.
“I don’t think I passed the quiz, Don,” she said. “The teaching assistant is going to think I didn’t study at all when he sees how badly I did on it.”
“Maybe you were too tired to think well. Nobody can think without sleep. Take my advice. Before the next quiz, decide to study chemistry for no more than two hours. After that do your assignments for your other classes. Then go to bed,” Don told her. Ellen seemed to feel better after listening to his suggestions.
She asked him, “ Don, how long did it take you to decide what to major in? I was thinking about majoring in chemistry, but after this, I am really not sure.”
“It took me a couple of semesters, I guess. I was always interested in plants and flowers, so horticulture seemed to be a natural choice for me. But I still have problems with some of my courses, you know,” he told her, adding some more advice. “After the next quiz, if you still don’t understand something, talk to Gordon about it. He’s the teaching assistant. Part of his job is to help serious students like you who really want to learn.”
17.Ellen was crying because _____.
A.she spilled acid in chemistry lab B.she had not studied for the chemistry quiz
C. she thought she hadn’t passed the quiz D. Gordon had refused to help her
18.Don probably thought that _____.
A.chemistry was easy
B.Ellen was childish
C.Studying was the most important thing
D.Studying was important, but sleep was important, too.
19.Part of a teaching assistant’s job was to _____.
A.pass chemistry B.help students understand
C.study all night D.do the assignments for his students.
Every pet owner loves his pets. There is no argument here.
But when we asked our readers whether they would clone their beloved animals, the responses were split almost down the middle. Of the 228 readers who answered our query, 108 would clone, 111 would not and nine weighed each side without offering an opinion.
Clearly, from readers’ response, this is an issue that reaches deeply into both the joy and eventual sadness of owning a pet. It speaks, as well, to people’s widely differing expectations over the developing scientific procedure.
Most of the respondents who favored the idea strongly believed it would produce at least a close replica of the original; many felt the process would actually return an exact copy. Those on the other side, however, held little hope a clone could ever truly recreate a pet; many simply didn’t wish to interfere with the natural rhythm of life and death
Both sides expressed equal outpourings of love for their animals. More than a few respondents owned “the best dot ( or cat) in the world.” (The majority of respondents identified themselves as dog owners.) They wrote eloquently of their pets as their “best friend”, “a member of the family”, “the light of my life”. They told moving stories of pets’ heroism, intelligence and selfless devotion.
Little wonder the prospect of loss is so disturbing — and the prospect of cloning so intriguing. “People become very attached to their animals, and the loss can be just as hard to bear as when a friend or family member dies,” says Gary Kowalski, author of Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “For me, cloning feels like an attempt to turn death away … It is understandable. Death is always painful. It’s difficult to deal with. It’s hard to accept.”
But would cloning lessen the blow? Ultimately, this question seemed to be at the heart of the issue.
20. So far as the cloning of pets is concerned, a recent survey shows that, of all pet owners, _____.
A.a lot more of them are for it
B. a lot more of them are against it
C. very few of them are willing to tell their opinions
D.about half of them are for it and the other half against it
21. While talking about the responses from the readers, the expression “eventual sadness of owning a pet” refers to _____.
A.the death of one’s pet
B. the high cost of owning a pet
C. the troubles one has to deal with in keeping a pet
D. the dangers involved in the cloning of a pet
22. Despite their differences on the issue of cloning, it seems that _____.
A.all pet owners love their pets very much
B. all pet owners try to interfere with the natural rhythm of life and death
C. people who support cloning love their pets more
D. people who disapprove of cloning love their more
23. From what Gary Kowalski says, we can know that he _____.
A. has never thought about the issue of cloning
B. is going to write another book on pets
C. is sympathetic to the idea of cloning pets
D. is all against the cloning of pets
24. What is the key question at the heart of the issue of cloning pets?
A.Can cloning ease the pain one suffers when a pet dies?
B. Can pet owners afford the cost of cloning?
C.Does cloning violate a fundamental law of nature?
D) How reliably does cloning produce an exact copy of one’s pet?
III).DIRECTIONS: Read the following passages and choose the correct answers.
No one knows where the phrase “Indian summer” came from, or how it got started. We are sure that the phrase was well-known by the year 1778, because Crevecoeur, the French writer, wrote about it. Crevecoeur, who became an American citizen, said this, “A severe frost follows the autumn rains. This prepares the ground to receive the snows of winter. But before the snows come, the earth turns warm once again and there are a few days of smoke and mildness called Indian summer.”
There is a story about Indian summer that goes back to the very first settlers of the New World. The Indians, seeing the settlers preparing for winter, told them not to hurry. The weather would turn warm again, mild breezes would blow and the sky turns soft and smoky. And so it did. The sun became hot, and a bright warm haze flowed over the fields and woods. The settlers, remembering the words of the In dians, called this wonderful period Indian summer.
But the Indians have their own stories about this late period of warm weather. One of their stories is about a great god called Nanahbozhoo.
Nanahbozhoo lived at the North pole. There he sat upon his white throne and looked down upon the world and the deeds of his people. Nanahbozhoo always fell asleep when winter set in. but before doing so, he lit his great peipe and smoked tobacco for many days.
The smoke rising from his pipe flowed down over the earth and produced the beautiful Indian summer. It was the smoke that made the land look hazy, warm and enjoyable.
1 The phrase “Indian summer” was well-known in 1778. ( )
2 Indian summer refers to a period of warm weather in the late summer. ( )
3The first settlers called the late period of warm weather Indian summer because it belonged to the Indians. ( )
4 Some Indians believe that the cause of Indian summer is the smoke rising from Nanahbozhoo’s pipe. ( )
Narcissus was a handsome youth. His lovely face and graceful form were the admiration of all who looked upon him. And he knew it. He was so vain that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his youthful beauty. Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self, Narcissus avoided all company. He roamed the wooded valleys every day, madly in love with himself.
When he was delightfully wandering through the woods one day, a wood nymph, Echo by name, caught sight of him. She fell in love with him at once. Joyfully gliding down towards Narcissus, she stretched out her loving arms. To her dismay, however, the young man roughly brushed and quickly withdrew to a shady spot, following the object of her love with her longing eyes.
Narcissus stopped to drink from a little stream. Kneeling down on the brink, he saw a lovely face in the clear water. His heart gave a ripple. He smiled and was smiled back to. Thinking that it must be a nymph in love with him, he bent down to kiss her. And her lips also drew near his. But as soon as he touched the clear surface the lovely face disappeared. The youth was now desperate. Never had he been despised like that before. Day and night, he stayed at the stream without drinking the eating. Before long he died, never suspecting that his nymph was none other than his own image in the water. The gods took pity on the fair corpse and turned it into a flower bearing his name.
Echo saw all this. Slowly she pined away for despised love, until at last nothing remained of her except her voice.
1.Narcissus took a great interest in himself. ( )
2.Echo fell in love with Narcissus at first sight. ( )
3.Narcissus died of starvation. ( )
Narcissus was aware of the beauty of Echo but did not love her. ( )
In World War II, tanks were the weapon with which the Nazis hoped to win the war, but they had fewer tanks than the Allies. France alone had a slight superiority in numbers. Why, then, were the Germans able to achieve results which were obviously far beyond their industrial capacity.
The answer lies in the technological edge which they had developed over the rest of Europe in the methods of conducting mechanized warfare. Whereas the Western Allied armies valued the infantry as the attacking weapon, the Germans used their tanks as the offensive spearheads. These traits from both sides would lead to peculiar characteristics from both armies. Because the West put the burden on their infantry, their tanks played a secondary role, usually mixed with the artillery, robbing this armor of its mobility. The ability of these armies to maneuver rapidly was also very poor, because everything depended on the speed of the foot soldier. The German armies’ characteristic, however, was almost the opposite of this. Because they relied on tanks as the weapons of their advance, two things were true. First, instead of dispersing their tanks, they massed them, because it was the tank, not the infantry, which made the breakthrough. The other characteristic that greatly facilitated the Germans’ attack was their speed once they had broken through. Having a great mobile superiority over the Western infantry armies, once the Nazis had broken through they could quickly attack the West’s undefended supply lines and choke off the supplies that would be needed for the fight in the field.

1.France had more tanks than the Nazis Germany. ( )
2.Because the Allied forces mixed their tanks with the artillery, the mobility of the weapon was reduced. ( )
3.The German armies relied on tanks as the weapons of their advance.( )
4.Concentration and speed characterized the German use of tanks… ( )
A U.S. patent, known as letters patent, gives its owner ( the patentee) or joint owners the right to exclude others from making, using and selling in the United States the owner’s invention for 17 years. Anyone who makes, uses, or sells, without the consent of the patentee, what is covered by any claims of a patent is liable for legal action.
Patents are granted to encourage inventions and their disclosure to the public. Patent laws vary among countries. The U.S. patent system is derived from that of England where, in 1624, Parliament stopped the practice of granting patents as favors to the king’s friends in favor of granting patents only to inventors of “any manner of new manufacture”.
Patent rights may be transferred by written assignment, and licenses to use the patent may be given to others by the owner at any time during the patent term. Patents are not renewable, but a new and useful improvement of something already patented, as well as a new use of an old device, may be the subject of new letters patent. Because a U.S. patent does not grant rights abroad, application must be made anywhere protection is sought. A patent covering several countries in Western Europe is obtainable.
1.The duration of a U.S. patent lasts for 17 years. ( )
2.Patents were granted to the king’s friends as favors in England in the 16th century. ( )
3.Patents are renewable. ( )
4.Patents are granted to encourage their closure to public. ( )


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