
  • Word Preparation
    • press: 新闻媒体(人)
    • informative: 提供有用信息的,给予知识的
    • print media: 印刷媒体;纸媒
    • rather particular: 十分谨慎; 挑剔
    • focus on sth: 专注于某事
    • stretch the truth: 夸大事实
  • Grammar
    • focus on, pay attention to, and concentrate on

Word Preparation

press: 新闻媒体(人)

reports in newspapers, in new magazines, on radio or on television
(“the press” is often used to refer to people who work for newspapers and news magazines)

The president was asked many questions by the press.

Soon after the accident happened, the press came to interview the victims.

informative: 提供有用信息的,给予知识的

providing a lot of useful information

The article Peter wrote was both interesting and informative.

Article content should be informative and easy to read.

print media: 印刷媒体;纸媒

newspapers, magazines, and books

Many people think print media is out of date.

The story captured the attention of broadcast and print media in the United States and around the world.

rather particular: 十分谨慎; 挑剔

very careful about making a choice

Richard is rather particular about the color of his clothes.

My mom is rather particular about the food she eats.

focus on sth: 专注于某事

to pay attention to something

I need to focus on my studies if I want to enter a good university.

You should focus on how to use the language instead of how to remember the grammar rules.

stretch the truth: 夸大事实

to say more than what is true

I don’t like to read news on celebrities because reporters often stretch the truth.

Sally may have been stretching the truth when she talked about her childhood.


focus on, pay attention to, and concentrate on

  1. focus 可以特指眼睛的注视,也可以指焦距,调焦等
  2. pay attention to 还有关心的意思
  3. concentrate on 除了表面注视,还指注意力方面,包括精神集中,全神贯注的意思
  • She turned the camera and focused on Martin’s face.
  • All eyes focused on her the moment she came in the room.
  • Parents need to pay more attention to their children.
  • This firm concentrates on the European market.

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