
  • Word Preparation
    • touching: 感人的,动人的
    • flashback: 倒叙,闪回
    • awe-inspiring: 令人惊叹的
    • mind-blowing: 令人吃惊的,令人震惊的
    • true story: 真实故事
    • make an impact: 产生影响,产生效果
  • Grammar
    • word prefix: un-, im-, and in-

Word Preparation

touching: 感人的,动人的

making you fell sad, sympathetic, etc.

The way she looked after her uncle all year around was really touching.

Hearing the touching story, she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief every now and then.

flashback: 倒叙,闪回

a short part of a film, story or play that goes back to events in the past

The events of his childhood are shown in a flashback.

So it would be really fun to do a flashback episode.

awe-inspiring: 令人惊叹的

causing people to be filled with a sense of awe and wonder

The story he told us was both touching and awe-inspiring.

Her bravery is awe-inspiring for many people.

mind-blowing: 令人吃惊的,令人震惊的

surprising or shocking

I keep reading about mind-blowing events in the news.

I’ve heard that story and it’s really mind-blowing.

true story: 真实故事

a story from real events or experiences

It’s an important true story, well worth purchasing to read with your kids.

We are going to tell you a true story about the man himself.

make an impact: 产生影响,产生效果

to have a strong effect on someone

If we work hard, we really can make an impact.

In that moment, I had an awareness that I could help someone and make an impact on him.


word prefix: un-, im-, and in-

  1. unemployment, unexpected, unpleasant
  2. impossible, impolite
  3. incorrect, inability, inaccurate
  • An air hostess would take care of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.
  • It would be impolite to leave in the middle of the meeting.
  • I’m sorry to tell you that the bill you sent me was incorrect.

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