
  • Word Preparation
    • on-screen: 荧幕上的
    • premiere: 首映式,首次公演
    • worth one's while: 值得花时间做某事
    • a waste of time: 浪费时间
    • get one's money's worth: 钱花的值
    • all together: 一起
  • Grammar
    • how to refuse politely

Word Preparation

on-screen: 荧幕上的

appearing on a TV or movie screen

Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton.
制片人决定结束她与Pierce lawton的荧幕恋情。

You can read the on-screen lyrics and sing along.

premiere: 首映式,首次公演

the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment
注: debut 这个词来自于法语,表示 “某人的首次登场表演”。

The premiere of the opera will be in New York.

We got to see the premiere of the new Transformers movie.

worth one’s while: 值得花时间做某事

worth spending time on.
注: 这里的while是名词,表示“一段时间”。

You have to wait in line for about an hour, but it will be worth your while.

I don’t think you should go because it wasn’t worth your while.

a waste of time: 浪费时间

use of time for a useless activity

I think these kinds of events are just a waste of time.

My dad thinks going to the doctor is a waste of time.

get one’s money’s worth: 钱花的值

to receive good value for what is paid for

If we pay this much for dinner, we’d better get our money’s worth.

The cost is over 200 dollars, but you will definitely get your money’s worth.

all together: 一起

all at the same time

They left all together when they heard the show was canceled.

Everyone laughed all together during the final scene of the movie.


how to refuse politely

  • I’m really sorry about that …

  • I wish I could, but …

  • Thanks for asking me, but …

  • That’s very kind of you, but …

  • Thanks, anyway!

  • I wish I could, but I have hundreds of things to do.

  • Thanks for asking me, but I am going to be out of town that evening.

  • That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid that I’m tied up on Saturday.

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