
  • Word Preparation
    • informative: 提供有效信息的
    • rant: 大话,妄语,激辩
    • status message: 状态;状态信息
    • almost always: 通常;几乎总是
    • partial to sth: 偏向于/倾向于某事物
    • extremely personal: 非常私密的;非常隐私的
  • Grammar
    • whether的用法

Word Preparation

informative: 提供有效信息的

providing useful knowledge or ideas

This book is worth reading because of how informative it is.

Don’t waste your time reading books that aren’t informative.

rant: 大话,妄语,激辩

an expression of anger or disappointment

The teacher continued his rant on his students laziness.

I don’t want to hear your rants on Beijing’s weather anymore.

status message: 状态;状态信息

information posted on social media telling people what you are thinking or doing

She has a new status message almost every day.

I hardly ever post a status message.

almost always: 通常;几乎总是

not always but very close to it

Frank is almost always wearing a blue shirt.

My mom almost always eats cereal for breakfast.

partial to sth: 偏向于/倾向于某事物

preferring something over another thing

I am quite partial to spicy food.

Ruth is not very partial to animals.

extremely personal: 非常私密的;非常隐私的

very private, not shared or known to other people

I don’t tell people this information because it’s extremely personal.

You should not post extremely personal information on Facebook.



whether 意为 “是否;不管…(还是…)”,表示迟疑或两个可能性之间的选择。
(1) whether to do sth: 是否做。。。
(2) whether … or …:是。。。还是。。。呢?
(3) whether … or not:不论。。。,不管。。。

  • There were times when I wondered whether or not we would go there.
  • I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.
  • She was uncertain whether to stay or leave
  • Whether or not we’re successful, we can be sure that we did our best.

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