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Characteristics of

computer intrusion and kinds of security breaches


Characteristics of computer intrusion

The target of a crime involving computers may be

any piece of the computing system. A computing system is a

collection of hardware, software ,storage media, data, and persons

that an organization uses to do computing tasks. Whereas the

obvious target of a bank robbery is cash, a list of names and

addresses of depositors might be valuable to a competing bank.. The

list might be on paper, recorded on a magnetic medium, stored in

internal computer memory or transmitted electronically across a

medium such as a telephone line. This multiplicity of targets makes

computer security difficult.

In any

security system, the weakest point is the most serious

vulnerability. A robber intent on stealing something from your

house will not attempt to penetrate a two inch thick metal door if

a window gives easier access. A sophisticated perimeter physical

security system does not compensate for unguarded access by means

of a simple telephone line and modem. The “weakest point”

philosophy can be restated as the following principe.

Principle of easiest

penetration. An

intruder musr be expected to use any available means of

penetration. This will not necessarily be the most obvious

means,nor will it necessarily be the against which the most solid

defense has been installed.

This principle says

that computer security specialists must consider all possible means

of penetration, because strengthening one may just make another

means more appealing to intruders.We now consider what these means

of penetration are.



of security breaches

In security, an exposure is a form of possible

loss or harm in a computing system; examples of exposures are

unauthorized disclosure of data, modification of data, or denial of

legitimate access to computing .A vulnerability is a weakness in

the security system that might be exploited to cause loss or harm.

A human who exploits a

vulnerability perpetrates an attack on the system. Threats to

computing systems are circumstances that have the potential to

cause loss or harm; human attacks are examples of threats, as are

natural disasters, inadvertent human errors,and internal hardware

or software flaws. Finally, a control is a protective measure-an

action, a device , a procedure, or a technique-that reduces a


The major assets of

computing systems are hardware, and data. There are four kinds of

threats to the security of a compuing

system:interruption,interception,modification,and fabrication. The

four threats all exploit vulnerabilities of the assets in computing

systems .These four threats are shown in fig1-1.


In an

interruption, an asset of the system becomes lost or unavailable or

unusable.An example is malicious destruction of a hardware

device,erasure of a program or data file,or failure of an operating

system file manager so that it cannot find a particular disk



An interception

means that some unauthorized party has gained access to an asset. The outside party can be

a person,a program.or a computing system.Examples of this typle of

failure are illicit copying of program or data files,or wiretapping

to obtain data in a network While a loss may be discovered fairly

quickly, a silent interceptor may leave no traces by which the

interception can be readily detected.


If an

unauthorized party not only accesses but tampers with an asset, the

failure becomes a modification.For example,someone might modify the

values in a database,alter a program so that it performs an

additional computation ,or modify data being transmitted electronically.It is even

possible for hardware to be modified. Some cases of modification

can be detected with simple measures,while other more subtle

changes may be almost impossible to detect.


Finally, an

unauthorized party might fabricate counterfeit objects for a

computing system.The intruder may wish to add spurious to a network

communication system, ,or add records to an existing data

base,sometimes these additions can be detected as forgeries, but if

skillfully done,they are virtually indistinguishable from the real


These four classes of interference with computer

activity-interruption,interception, modification,and

fabrication-can describe the kinds of exposures possible.Examples

of these kinds of interferences are shown in fig1-1.






















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