
  • Word Preparation
    • astounded: 震惊的
    • teamwork: 团队合作
    • do someone proud: 使某人有理由感到满意或骄傲
    • team captain: 队长
    • overall performance: 整体表现
    • equally important: 同样重要
  • Grammar
    • express "satisfaction"

Word Preparation

astounded: 震惊的

very surprised or shocked

I was astounded to hear that Tim had left.

She was astounded when I told her that I bought a dog.

teamwork: 团队合作

combined actions of a team or group

Even through they didn’t win the game, they had really good teamwork.

We want to encourage good teamwork and communication.

do someone proud: 使某人有理由感到满意或骄傲

to make someone feel satisfied by an achievement

Bob is always trying his best so he can do his dad proud.

Even though you didn’t succeed, you still did us proud.

team captain: 队长

the leader of a sports team

Peter is the team captain of the football team.

There can only be one team captain.

overall performance: 整体表现

general action and accomplishments

Her overall performance was not too great.

He didn’t do very well towards the end of the show, but his overall performance was good.

equally important: 同样重要

having the same degree of values as something else

Diet and exercise are equally important.

Everyone on this team is equally important.


express “satisfaction”

  1. be happy about/with
    I’m happy with your job performance.
  2. be satisfied with
    Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our product presentation.


  • We’re happy with everything you’ve done for us.
  • The customer was satisfied with the pair of shoes.
  • The explanation is a satisfactory one.

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