
  • Word Preparation
    • robot: 机器人
    • uncaring: 冷漠的
    • on one's own: 独自地
    • out of the ordinary: 特别的
    • no different from sth: 没有什么区别
    • look beyond sth: 长远地看
  • Grammar
    • out of的用法

Word Preparation

robot: 机器人

a machine that can move and act like people

I don’t know if I would want to live with a robot or not.

Some people think that robots could become dangerous.

uncaring: 冷漠的

not showing concern or sympathy

She can be rude at times, but she is never entirely uncaring.
她有时候或许不太懂礼貌, 但她从来不会什么都漠不关心。

I want to meet someone who is polite and nice, not someone who is uncaring.

on one’s own: 独自地

by one’s own efforts

She built this entire house on her own.

I would never be able to build a computer on my own.

out of the ordinary: 特别的

different and unusual

There is really nothing out of the ordinary going on here.

If you see anything out of the ordinary, you should tell someone.

no different from sth: 没有什么区别

to be the same as something

Her skills in writing are no different from Robert’s skills.

My fridge is no different from your fridge.

look beyond sth: 长远地看

to see a point farther or deeper than something

You need to look beyond appearance if you want to understand someone.

You can’t just look at the text and you need to look beyond that.


out of的用法

  1. 表示 “在…外”
  2. 表示 “从…里”,“从…当中”
  3. 表示 “接触,脱离,没有,缺乏”
  4. 表示 来源,原因和动机
  • We should remove the machine out of the room.
  • You can choose one out of them.
  • He’s been out of work for six months.
  • He want only out of curiosity.

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