
  • Word Preparation
    • thrilled: 非常激动的
    • stall: 货摊
    • attractive price: 有吸引力的价格
    • window shopping: 橱窗浏览,随便看看
    • great pleasure: 极大的乐趣
    • duty-free: 免税的
  • Grammar
    • so that

Word Preparation

thrilled: 非常激动的

extremely happy about something

She was thrilled to see her boyfriend during Christmas.

I am very thrilled to be here with you.

stall: 货摊

a small stall in a public place with an open front where different products are sold


There are many stalls that sell this kind of fruit.

Is there a stall that sells vegetables here?

attractive price: 有吸引力的价格

a price that is inexpensive and causes one to buy a product

You can find these goods at attractive prices at the store.

There are many goods offered at attractive prices during festival.

window shopping: 橱窗浏览,随便看看

looking at products in stores without buying them

Sometimes I like to go window shopping at luxurious malls.

I’m not a rich person, so I will only be window shopping.

great pleasure: 极大的乐趣

a significant feeling of satisfaction or enjoyment

You will find it a great pleasure talking to her.

He took great pleasure in sharing good food and wine.

duty-free: 免税的

sold without any tax added

I like to buy duty-free products at the airport because it can save money.

There is a duty-free shop that we can buy perfume at.


so that

so that 引导目的状语从句(adverbial clause of purpose),例如,
Let’s look around first so that we can have more items to choose from.
这里,so that 意为 “以便,为了”,可与 in order that 换用。 从句谓语动词中常用的情态动词 may/might, can/could, should, would等;主句与从句间没有逗号相隔,连接紧凑。

  • I spend more time learning English every day so that I can make greater progress this year.
  • Yesterday morning, Tom Cruise got up early so that he could catch the first bus.
  • My father began to study computers at the age of sixty so that he might keep up with the times.

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