
  • Word Preparation
    • sadden: 使悲伤
    • heartwarming: 感人的
    • extraordinary story: 离奇的故事
    • must-read: 必读书目
    • quite surprising: 非常令人吃惊
    • more than a little interested: 很感兴趣
  • Grammar
    • surprise, surprising, surprised的区别

Word Preparation

sadden: 使悲伤

to make someone feel sad

It saddened him that they no longer trusted him.

My mom was saddened by the loss of her wedding ring.

heartwarming: 感人的

(especially of an event, action, or story) seeming to be something positive and good and therefore causing feelings of pleasure and happiness

I want to watch a movie that will be heartwarming.

All of the books he reads to his children are very hartwarming.

extraordinary story: 离奇的故事

not a common story

Have you heard the extraordinary story of Peter Parker?
你听说过关于Peter Parker的离奇故事吗?

How he won a million dollars is really an extraordinary story.

must-read: 必读书目

written material that many people want to read

I would say that Peace Child is a must-read.

She gave her students a list of must-reads.

quite surprising: 非常令人吃惊

very surprising

The fact that he can’t swim is quite surprising.

It’s quite surprising that you don’t know how old you are.

more than a little interested: 很感兴趣

used to express an increased desire

I am more than a little interested in American history.

Andrew is more than a little interested in science.


surprise, surprising, surprised的区别


  • The bad news didn’t surprise him.
  • in surprise (惊奇地); to one’s surprise (使某人感到惊奇的是)

surprised 和 surprising 都是形容词,其用法区别在于:surprised 表示“对…感到惊奇“,主语常常是人,且其后多接介词 at; surprising 表示 “使人惊奇的”,作表语时主语通常是某事。

  • To my surprise, the dog was still alive.
  • I was surprised at his answer.
  • Your success is surprising.

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