



The result FNORMHAT lies between 0.0 and 0.5.


[im,tt,ff] = TOIMAGE(A,f,t,splx,sply) transforms a spectrum made of 1D functions (e.g., output of "hhspectrum") in an 2D image


for k=1:size(E,1)bjp(k)=sum(E(k,:))*1/fs;



关于hht函数的解释,请参照MATLAB——Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT)





%% 获取源数据,signal1,signal2,signal3分别表示三种不同的信号类型
for i=1:length(date)if time(i)==timestringfor j=1:2048*4globalsignal(j)=signal1(i+j-1);endend
endglobalsignal=globalsignal';%% 定义采样频率、时间、采样点数
t = (0:length(globalsignal)-1)/fs;
N = length(globalsignal);%% 对globalsignal进行EEMD分解
d=d';%% 绘制分解结果
for i=1:length(d(:,1))subplot(length(d(:,1)),1,i)plot(t, d(i,:))
end%% 边际谱求取过程
% 对IMF分量求取瞬时频率与振幅:
% A:每个IMF的振幅向量; fa:每个IMF对应的瞬时频率(归一化后); t:时间序列号
% 将每个IMF信号合成求取Hilbert谱
% E:对应的振幅值; Cenf:每个网格对应的中心频率
% 时频图(用颜色表示第三维值的大小); 三维图(三维坐标系:时间,中心频率,振幅)
[E,tt1]=toimage(A,fa,tt,length(tt)); % A,fa为固定参数, tt,length(tt)为可变参数figure()
% 边际谱是hilbert谱对时间的积分,从积分的角度来讲,
% 对任意一阶频率把所有的时间上的幅值都加起来,反映这阶频率在所有时间上的幅值积累
for k=1:size(E,1)bjp(k)=sum(E(k,:))*1/fs;
xlabel('频率 / Hz');
ylim([0 80])


function [A,f,tt] = hhspectrum(x,t,l,aff)
% [A,f,tt] = HHSPECTRUM(x,t,l,aff) computes the Hilbert-Huang spectrum
% inputs:
%   - x   : matrix with one signal per row
%   - t   : time instants
%   - l   : estimation parameter for instfreq (integer >=1 (1:default))
%   - aff : if 1, displays the computation evolution
% outputs:
%   - A   : instantaneous amplitudes
%   - f   : instantaneous frequencies
%   - tt  : truncated time instants
% calls:
%   - hilbert  : computes the analytic signal
%   - instfreq : computes the instantaneous frequency
%   - disprog : displays the computation evolution
%s = randn(1,512);
%imf = emd(s);
%[A,f,tt] = hhspectrum(imf(1:end-1,:));
%s = randn(10,512);
%[A,f,tt] = hhspectrum(s,1:512,2,1);
% rem: need the Time-Frequency Toolbox (http://tftb.nongnu.org)
% See also
%  emd, toimage, disp_hhs
% G. Rilling, last modification 3.2007
% gabriel.rilling@ens-lyon.fr
error(nargchk(1,4,nargin));if nargin < 2t=1:size(x,2);endif nargin < 3l=1;endif nargin < 4aff = 0;endif min(size(x)) == 1if size(x,2) == 1x = x';if nargin < 2t = 1:size(x,2);endendNmodes = 1;
elseNmodes = size(x,1);
endlt=length(t);tt=t((l+1):(lt-l));for i=1:Nmodesan(i,:)=hilbert(x(i,:)')';f(i,:)=instfreq(an(i,:)',tt,l)';A=abs(an(:,l+1:end-l));if affdisprog(i,Nmodes,max(Nmodes,100))end
function [fnormhat,t]=instfreq(x,t,L,trace)
%INSTFREQ Instantaneous frequency estimation.
%   [FNORMHAT,T]=INSTFREQ(X,T,L,TRACE) computes the instantaneous
%   frequency of the analytic signal X at time instant(s) T, using the
%   trapezoidal integration rule.
%   The result FNORMHAT lies between 0.0 and 0.5.
%   X : Analytic signal to be analyzed.
%   T : Time instants           (default : 2:length(X)-1).
%   L : If L=1, computes the (normalized) instantaneous frequency
%       of the signal X defined as angle(X(T+1)*conj(X(T-1)) ;
%       if L>1, computes a Maximum Likelihood estimation of the
%       instantaneous frequency of the deterministic part of the signal
%       blurried in a white gaussian noise.
%       L must be an integer        (default : 1).
%   TRACE : if nonzero, the progression of the algorithm is shown
%                                   (default : 0).
%   FNORMHAT : Output (normalized) instantaneous frequency.
%   T : Time instants.
%   Examples :
%    x=fmsin(70,0.05,0.35,25); [instf,t]=instfreq(x); plot(t,instf)
%    N=64; SNR=10.0; L=4; t=L+1:N-L; x=fmsin(N,0.05,0.35,40);
%    sig=sigmerge(x,hilbert(randn(N,1)),SNR);
%    plotifl(t,[instfreq(sig,t,L),instfreq(x,t)]); grid;
%    title ('theoretical and estimated instantaneous frequencies');
%   See also  KAYTTH, SGRPDLAY.%    F. Auger, March 1994, July 1995.
%   Copyright (c) 1996 by CNRS (France).
%   ------------------- CONFIDENTIAL PROGRAM --------------------
%   This program can not be used without the authorization of its
%   author(s). For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to
%   f.auger@ieee.orgif (nargin == 0)error('At least one parameter required');
[xrow xcol] = size(x)
if (xcol~=1)error('X must have only one column');
endif (nargin == 1)t=2:xrow-1; L=1; trace=0.0;
elseif (nargin == 2)L = 1; trace=0.0;
elseif (nargin == 3)trace=0.0;
endif L<1,error('L must be >=1');
[trow,tcol] = size(t);
if (trow~=1),error('T must have only one row');
end;if (L==1),if any(t==1)|any(t==xrow),error('T can not be equal to 1 neither to the last element of X');elsefnormhat=0.5*(angle(-x(t+1).*conj(x(t-1)))+pi)/(2*pi);end;
elseH=kaytth(L);if any(t<=L)|any(t+L>xrow),error('The relation L<T<=length(X)-L must be satisfied');elsefor icol=1:tcol,if trace, disprog(icol,tcol,10); end;ti = t(icol); tau = 0:L;R = x(ti+tau).*conj(x(ti-tau));M4 = R(2:L+1).*conj(R(1:L));diff=2e-6;tetapred = H * (unwrap(angle(-M4))+pi);while tetapred<0.0 , tetapred=tetapred+(2*pi); end;while tetapred>2*pi, tetapred=tetapred-(2*pi); end;iter = 1;while (diff > 1e-6)&(iter<50),M4bis=M4 .* exp(-j*2.0*tetapred);teta = H * (unwrap(angle(M4bis))+2.0*tetapred);while teta<0.0 , teta=(2*pi)+teta; end;while teta>2*pi, teta=teta-(2*pi); end;diff=abs(teta-tetapred);tetapred=teta; iter=iter+1;end;fnormhat(icol,1)=teta/(2*pi);end;end;
%TOIMAGE  transforms a spectrum made of 1D functions in an 2D image
% [im,tt,ff] = TOIMAGE(A,f,t,splx,sply) transforms a spectrum made
% of 1D functions (e.g., output of "hhspectrum") in an 2D image
% inputs :   - A    : amplitudes of modes (1 mode per row of A)
%            - f    : instantaneous frequencies
%            - t    : time instants
%            - splx : number of columns of the output im (time resolution).
%                     If different from length(t), works only for uniform
%                     sampling.
%            - sply : number of rows of the output im (frequency resolution).
% outputs :  - im   : 2D image of the spectrum
%            - tt   : time instants in the image
%            - ff   : centers of the frequency bins
% Examples : [im,tt,ff] = toimage(A,f);[im,tt] = toimage(A,f,t);[im,tt,ff] = toimage(A,f,sply);
%            [im,tt,ff] = toimage(A,f,splx,sply);[im,tt,ff] = toimage(A,f,t,splx,sply);
% See also
%  emd, hhspectrum, disp_hhs
% G. Rilling, last modification 3.2007
% gabriel.rilling@ens-lyon.frfunction [im,tt,ff] = toimage(A,f,varargin)DEFSPL = 400;error(nargchk(2,5,nargin));switch nargincase 2t = 1:size(A,2);sply = DEFSPL;splx = length(t);case 3if isscalar(varargin{1})t = 1:size(A,2);splx = length(t);sply = varargin{1};elset = varargin{1};splx = length(t);sply = DEFSPL;endcase 4if isscalar(varargin{1})t = 1:size(A,2);sply = varargin{1};splx = varargin{2};elset = varargin{1};sply = varargin{2};splx = length(t);endcase 5t = varargin{1};splx = varargin{2};sply = varargin{3};
if isvector(A)A = A(:)';f = f(:)';
endif issparse(A) || ~isreal(A) || length(size(A)) > 2error('A argument must be a real matrix')
if issparse(f) || ~isreal(f) || length(size(f)) > 2error('f argument must be a real matrix')
if any(size(f)~=size(A))error('A and f matrices must have the same size')
if issparse(t) || ~isreal(t) || ~isvector(t) || length(t)~=size(A,2)error('t argument must be a vector and its length must be the number of columns in A and f inputs')
if ~isscalar(splx) || ~isreal(splx) || splx ~= floor(splx) || splx <= 0error('splx argument must be a positive integer')
if ~isscalar(sply) || ~isreal(sply) || sply ~= floor(sply) || sply <= 0error('splx argument must be a positive integer')
endif any(diff(diff(t))) && splx ~= length(t)warning('toimage:nonuniformtimeinsants','When splx differs from length(t), the function only works for equally spaced time instants. You may consider reformating your data (using e.g. interpolation) before using toimage.')
endf = min(f,0.5);
f = max(f,0);indf = round(2*f*(sply-1)+1);
indt = repmat(round(linspace(1,length(t),splx)),size(A,1),1);
im = accumarray([indf(:),indt(:)],A(:),[sply,splx]);indt = indt(1,:);
tt = t(indt);
ff = (0:sply-1)*0.5/sply+1/(4*sply);end


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