


Rose would like to find whether they truly love each other.

Rose lets Jack draw a graph of N vertices, and Rose herself writes a set of vertex pair (u​i​​,v​i​​), named S.

Initially the graph has no edge and S is empty.

There are Q operations of 5 kinds, which are listed below:

1.Jack adds edge (u,v) into the graph. It is guaranteed that u and v are unreachable before adding.

2.Jack deletes edge (u,v) from the graph. It is guaranteed that this edge exists before deleting.

3.Rose adds vertex pair (u,v) into S. It is guaranteed that (u,v) is not in S before adding.

4.Rose deletes vertex pair (u,v) from S. It is guaranteed that (u,v) exists before deleting.

5.Ask if they love each other, that is, whether every vertex pair in S is reachable in the graph. In other words, whether for every vertex pair (u,v) in S, u and v are reachable in the graph.

The first line contains an integer T (1≤T≤100) — the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains two integers N (3≤N≤100000), Q (3≤Q≤300000) — the number of vertices, the number of operations.

The next Q lines describe the operations, where the i-th line contains three integers Type, u, v (u<v) for the first four operations and one integer Type for the last (fifth) kind of operation.

It is guaranteed that ∑N≤300000 and ∑Q≤500000.

For each operation of the fifth kind, output “YES” or “NO” in one line to indicate the answer, with the same order as the input.

Sample Input
5 10
3 2 5
4 2 5
1 4 5
2 4 5
1 1 2
3 1 5
4 1 5
2 1 2

Sample Output

判断所有点对是否都联通有个巧妙的方法:每次添加一个点对(u,v)到集合S中时, 将这组点对随机一个值Value,可以用二维map存,并且将这两个点的权值都异或上Value,这样如果一个连通块内所有点的抑或和为0,即连通块内部包含的都是S中完整的点对。如果每个连通块的抑或和都为0,那么S中所有的点对都联通。




#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <map> using namespace std;const int Maxn = 100010;int ch[Maxn][2], fa[Maxn], rev[Maxn], Sum[Maxn], Cnt, Val[Maxn], Other[Maxn];bool isroot(int x){return ch[fa[x]][0] != x && ch[fa[x]][1] != x;}void pushup(int h){Sum[h] = Val[h];Sum[h] ^= Other[h];if (ch[h][0]) Sum[h] ^= Sum[ch[h][0]];if (ch[h][1]) Sum[h] ^= Sum[ch[h][1]];
}void pushdown(int h){if(!rev[h]) return;rev[h] = 0;swap(ch[h][0], ch[h][1]);if(ch[h][0]) rev[ch[h][0]] ^= 1;if(ch[h][1]) rev[ch[h][1]] ^= 1;
}void PUSHDOWN(int h){if(!isroot(h)) PUSHDOWN(fa[h]);pushdown(h);
}void rotate(int h){int father = fa[h], grandfa = fa[father];bool w = (ch[father][1] == h);fa[ch[h][w^1]] = father;ch[father][w] = ch[h][w^1];fa[father] = h;ch[h][w^1] = father;fa[h] = grandfa;if(ch[grandfa][0] == father) ch[grandfa][0] = h;else if(ch[grandfa][1] == father) ch[grandfa][1] = h;pushup(father), pushup(h);
}bool pd (int x) {return ch[fa[x]][0] == x;}void splay (int h) {PUSHDOWN(h);while (!isroot(h)) {if(!isroot(fa[h]) && pd(fa[h]) == pd(h)) rotate(fa[h]);rotate(h);}
}void access(int h){int y = 0;while (h) {splay(h);Other[h] ^= Sum[ch[h][1]];//维护子树信息只需要在access和link操作多添几句Other[h] ^= Sum[y];ch[h][1] = y;pushup(h);y = h;h = fa[h];}
}void makeroot (int h) {access(h);splay(h);pushup(h);rev[h] ^= 1;
}int findroot (int x) {access(x);splay(x);while(ch[x][0])   x = ch[x][0];return x;
}void link (int x,int y) {makeroot(x);makeroot(y);int Pre = (Sum[x] != 0) + (Sum[y] != 0);fa[x] = y;Other[y] ^= Sum[x];pushup(y);int Next = (Sum[y] != 0);Cnt += Next - Pre;//用变化后的数量减去变化前的数量,下面几个一样的地方同理
}void cut (int x,int y) {makeroot(x);int Pre = (Sum[x] != 0);access(y);splay(y);fa[x] = ch[y][0] = 0;pushup(y);int Next = (Sum[x] != 0) + (Sum[y] != 0);Cnt += Next - Pre;
}map<int, map<int, int> > q;void Init(int N) {q.clear();Cnt = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) Val[i] = Sum[i] = fa[i] = ch[i][0] = ch[i][1] = Other[i] = 0;
}void Add(int x, int Value) {int Pre = (Sum[x] != 0);Val[x] ^= Value; pushup(x);int Next = (Sum[x] != 0);Cnt += Next - Pre;
}int main() {srand(time(NULL));int T;scanf ("%d", &T);while (T--) {int N, Q;scanf ("%d%d", &N, &Q);Init(N);while (Q--) {int th;scanf ("%d", &th);int x, y;if (th != 5) scanf ("%d%d", &x, &y);if (th == 1) {link(x, y);}else if (th == 2) {cut (x, y);}else if (th == 3) {int Value = rand();q[x][y] = q[y][x] = Value;makeroot(x);Add(x, Value); makeroot(y);Add(y, Value);}else if (th == 4) {int Value = q[x][y];q[x][y] = q[y][x] = 0;makeroot(x);Add(x, Value);makeroot(y);Add(y, Value);}else {if (Cnt) printf ("NO\n");else printf ("YES\n");}}}return 0;



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