
  题目大意:K维空间内,与给定点欧几里得距离最近的 m 个点。




inline void Push_up(int o){rep(i,k){if (L) t[o].mn[i]=min(t[o].mn[i],t[L].mn[i]),t[o].mx[i]=max(t[o].mx[i],t[L].mx[i]);if (R) t[o].mx[i]=min(t[o].mn[i],t[R].mn[i]),t[o].mx[i]=max(t[o].mx[i],t[R].mx[i]);}



inline void Push_up(int o){rep(i,k){t[o].mn[i]=min(t[o].mn[i],min(t[L].mn[i],t[R].mn[i]));t[o].mx[i]=max(t[o].mx[i],max(t[L].mx[i],t[R].mx[i]));}


P.S.多组数据的题目,KD-Tree一定要记得清空 l 和 r ……要不然叶子节点会有一些奇怪的问题……


  1 /**************************************************************
  2     Problem: 3053
  3     User: Tunix
  4     Language: C++
  5     Result: Accepted
  6     Time:1364 ms
  7     Memory:9088 kb
  8 ****************************************************************/
 10 //BZOJ 3053
 11 #include<queue>
 12 #include<cmath>
 13 #include<cstdio>
 14 #include<cstring>
 15 #include<cstdlib>
 16 #include<iostream>
 17 #include<algorithm>
 18 #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
 19 #define F(i,j,n) for(int i=j;i<=n;++i)
 20 #define D(i,j,n) for(int i=j;i>=n;--i)
 21 #define pb push_back
 22 #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
 23 using namespace std;
 24 typedef long long LL;
 25 inline int getint(){
 26     int r=1,v=0; char ch=getchar();
 27     for(;!isdigit(ch);ch=getchar()) if (ch=='-') r=-1;
 28     for(; isdigit(ch);ch=getchar()) v=v*10-'0'+ch;
 29     return r*v;
 30 }
 31 const int N=100010,INF=1e9;
 32 /*******************template********************/
 34 int n,k,D,root,ans[15];
 35 struct node{
 36     int d[6],mn[6],mx[6],l,r;
 37     int& operator [] (int x){return d[x];}
 38     void read(){rep(i,k) d[i]=getint();}
 39 }t[N],tmp;
 40 bool operator < (node a,node b){return a[D]<b[D];}
 41 #define L t[o].l
 42 #define R t[o].r
 43 #define mid (l+r>>1)
 44 inline void Push_up(int o){
 45     rep(i,k){
 46         t[o].mn[i]=min(t[o].mn[i],min(t[L].mn[i],t[R].mn[i]));
 47         t[o].mx[i]=max(t[o].mx[i],max(t[L].mx[i],t[R].mx[i]));
 48     }
 49 }
 50 int build(int l,int r,int dir){
 51     D=dir;
 52     nth_element(t+l,t+mid,t+r+1);
 53     rep(i,k) t[mid].mn[i]=t[mid].mx[i]=t[mid][i];
 54     t[mid].l=l<mid ? build(l,mid-1,(dir+1)%k) : 0;
 55     t[mid].r=mid<r ? build(mid+1,r,(dir+1)%k) : 0;
 56     Push_up(mid);
 57     return mid;
 58 }
 59 inline int getdis(int o){
 60     if (!o) return INF;
 61     int ans=0;
 62     rep(i,k) if (tmp[i]<t[o].mn[i]) ans+=sqr(t[o].mn[i]-tmp[i]);
 63     rep(i,k) if (tmp[i]>t[o].mx[i]) ans+=sqr(tmp[i]-t[o].mx[i]);
 64     return ans;
 65 }
 66 inline int dis(node a,node b){
 67     int ans=0;
 68     rep(i,k) ans+=sqr(a[i]-b[i]);
 69     return ans;
 70 }
 71 typedef pair<int,int> pii;
 72 priority_queue<pii>Q;
 73 #define mp make_pair
 74 #define X first
 75 #define Y second
 76 void query(int o){
 77     int dl=getdis(L),dr=getdis(R),d0=dis(t[o],tmp);
 78     if (d0<Q.top().X){Q.pop(); Q.push(mp(d0,o));}
 79     if (dl<dr){
 80         if (dl<Q.top().X) query(L);
 81         if (dr<Q.top().X) query(R);
 82     }else{
 83         if (dr<Q.top().X) query(R);
 84         if (dl<Q.top().X) query(L);
 85     }
 86 }
 87 int main(){
 88 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
 89     freopen("3053.in","r",stdin);
 90     freopen("3053.out","w",stdout);
 91 #endif
 92     rep(i,5) t[0].mn[i]=INF,t[0].mx[i]=-INF;
 93     while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&k)!=EOF){
 94         F(i,1,n) rep(j,k) t[i][j]=getint();
 95         root=build(1,n,0);
 96         int T=getint();
 97         while(T--){
 98             rep(j,k) tmp[j]=getint();
 99             n=getint();
100             printf("the closest %d points are:\n",n);
101             F(i,1,n) Q.push(mp(INF,0));
102             query(root);
103             D(i,n,1) ans[i]=Q.top().Y,Q.pop();
104             F(i,1,n) rep(j,k)
105                 printf("%d%c",t[ans[i]][j],j!=k-1?' ':'\n');
106         }
107     }
108     return 0;
109 }

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3053: The Closest M Points

Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 383  Solved: 147


The course of Software Design and Development Practice is objectionable. ZLC is facing a serious problem .There are many points in K-dimensional space .Given a point. ZLC need to find out the closest m points. Euclidean distance is used as the distance metric between two points. The Euclidean distance between points p and q is the length of the line segment connecting them.In Cartesian coordinates, if p = (p1, p2,..., pn) and q = (q1, q2,..., qn) are two points in Euclidean n-space, then the distance from p to q, or from q to p is given by:
Can you help him solve this problem?


(这里的距离指的是欧几里得距离:D(p, q) = D(q, p) =  sqrt((q1 - p1) ^ 2 + (q2 - p2) ^ 2 + (q3 - p3) ^ 2 + ... + (qn - pn) ^ 2)



第一行,两个非负整数:点数n(1 <= n <= 50000),和维度数k(1 <= k <= 5)。
接下来一个正整数:给定的询问数量t(1 <= t <= 10000)
  第二行:查询最近的m个点(1 <= m <= 10)



第一行:"the closest m points are:" m为查询中的m

2 2
1 1
3 3
2 2


In the first line of the text file .there are two non-negative integers n and K. They denote respectively: the number of points, 1 <= n <= 50000, and the number of Dimensions,1 <= K <= 5. In each of the following n lines there is written k integers, representing the coordinates of a point. This followed by a line with one positive integer t, representing the number of queries,1 <= t <=10000.each query contains two lines. The k integers in the first line represent the given point. In the second line, there is one integer m, the number of closest points you should find,1 <= m <=10. The absolute value of all the coordinates will not be more than 10000.
There are multiple test cases. Process to end of file.


For each query, output m+1 lines:
The first line saying :”the closest m points are:” where m is the number of the points.
The following m lines representing m points ,in accordance with the order from near to far
It is guaranteed that the answer can only be formed in one ways. The distances from the given point to all the nearest m+1 points are different. That means input like this:
2 2
1 1
3 3
2 2
will not exist.

Sample Input

3 2
1 1
1 3
3 4
2 3
2 3

Sample Output

the closest 2 points are:
1 3
3 4
the closest 1 points are:
1 3



k-d tree



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