


观点部分,不能多(同一段话中first sencend last but not least…)也不能少(翻来覆去老是同一个观点)。不要举栗子,举例子是个人相关的,不普遍。





The increase in people’s life expectancy means that people have to work older to pay for their retirement. The alternative is to start working at a younger age. Does this alternative have positive or negative effects?


1. 开头段


the increase in people’s life expectancy:

  • the improvement of life expectancy
  • the increased lifespan
  • living longer lives

Work older:

  • prolong working lives
  • work in the old age
  • delay retirement
  • postpone retirement

Pay for their retirement:

  • cover the cost of retirement
  • cover basic needs in the old age
  • cover expenses in later life

Working at a younger age:

  • embark on career early
  • enter the workforce early


Instead of delaying retirement, some people today consider the option of entering the workforce early in order to save sufficient money for expenses in later life. I would argue that the problems of this strategy outweigh its advantage.


2. 主体段一

A 提前工作 B知识不够 C 收入不高


Leaving school early means that people are not well-equipped to handle high-paying jobs in the workplace. The economic transformation has seen a massive transition from manual work to intellectual jobs, which cannot be performed without an intimate knowledge of theories and technologies related to a specific subject area. People who make a hasty decision to enter the workforce may find themselves end up doing some physical work, such as working on the farm or in the garage. These occupations normally offer a living wage only because the economic value of these jobs is limited compared with those in technological sectors, such as information technology, bioscience and artificial intelligence, which involve the provision of high-value products and services. Because of this, despite long working lives, these people may not be able to earn more money than those who stay at school longer and graduate with qualifications to find work in well-paid industries.

3. 主体段二

A 提前工作 B 做体力活 B 职业生涯也会比较短


Another problem worth mentioning is that the career for people doing some poorly-paid jobs may not last as long as expected. Without a strong academic background, they may have to tolerate unappealing working conditions if they find employment in some fields of work, such as plumbing, construction and manufacturing. They are more prone to some health problems as stressful working settings can cause sleep difficulty, mood swings and high blood pressure, which can take a toll over time. These jobs also entail the operation of machines and devices which can sometimes lead to injuries or even deaths. The logic is that their careers can be abbreviated by some accidents. Even though they can stay healthy until they turn 60, the question remains whether they are still physically capable of undertaking those tasks that require physical strength.

4. 主体段三

A提前工作 B 早点积累经验C 职业更能成功


On the other hand, for those people who are adept at self-education, embarking on the career as early as possible can be advisable. The capacity to learn differs from person to person, and some autonomous learners may be able to acquire knowledge from various sources beyond a formal educational setting. Starting their work early, they may reflect on the problems they encounter in the workplace and advance their knowledge by finding relevant information online ro in books. With a mix of know-how and practical experience, they can advance their career gradually and manage to achieve successes. This has been supported by numerous examples found in renowned entrepreneurs who rise to prominence despite dropping out of school.

5. 结束段

In conclusion, for the majority, working from a young age is by no means an effective measure to save money for retirement, although there are some exceptions.


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