本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day5 Week 3”


stick to 紧跟;坚持;坚守

  • If you stick to something or someone when you are travelling,you stay close to them.
  • If you stick to something,you continue doing,using,saying,or talking about it,rather than changing to something else.
  • If you stick to a promise,agreement,decision,or principle,you do what you said you would do,or not change your mind.

stick with 坚持;紧跟

  • If you stick with something,you do not change to something else.
  • If you stick with someone,you stay close to them.

stop from 阻止

  • If you stop something from happening,or you stop something happening,you prevent it from happening or prevent it from continuing.

struggle against 努力斗争

  • If you struggle against something,you try hard to overcome it,even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed.

struggle with 扭打

  • If two people struggle with each other,they fight.

succeed in 成功

  • If you succeed in doing something,you manage to do it.

suffer from 受苦

  • If you suffer from an illness or from some other bad condition,you are badly affected by it.

sum up 简述,总结

  • If you sum something up,you describe it as briefly as possible.

supply with 供应

  • If you supply someone with something that they want or need,you give them a quantity of it.

surround by 围绕

  • If a person or thing is surrounded by something,that thing is situated all around them.

swear to 郑重许诺

  • If you swear to do something,you promise in a serious way that you will do it.

switch from/to 转向;转移(注意力)

  • If you switch to something different ,for example to a different system,task ,or subject of conversation,you change to it from what were doing or saying before.
  • If you switch your attention from one thing to another,you stop paying attention to the first thing and start paying sattention to the second.

sympathize with 同情;理解;支持

  • If you sympathize with someone who is in a bad situation,you show that you are sorry for them.
  • If you sympathize with someone’s feelings,you understand them and are not critical of them.
  • If you sympathize with a proposal or action,you approve of it and are willing to support it.

take apart 拆开

  • If you take something apart,you separate it into the different parts that it is made of.

take away 带走(送至监狱或医院)

  • To take someone away means to being them from their home to an institution such as a prison or hospital.

take away from 夺去;减去

  • If you take something away from someone,you remove it from them,so that they no longer possess it or have it with them.
  • If you take one number or amount away from another,you subtract one number from the other.

take back 退还;收回(错误的言论)

  • If you take something back, you return it to the place where you bought it or where you borrowed it from,because it is unsuitable or broken,or because you have finished with it.
  • If you take something back,you admit that something that you said or though is wrong.
  • If you say that something takes you back,you mean that it reminds you of a period of your past life and makes you think about it again.

take for 把…错当成

  • If you take someone for someone else,you believe wrongly that they are that person.

take off (飞机)起飞;(突然)成功;(突然)离开;脱去;休假

  • When an aeroplane takes off,it leaves the ground and starts flying.
  • If something such as a product ,an activity,or someone’s career takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful.
  • If you take off, you go away,often suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • If you take a garment off, you remove it.
  • If you take time off,you obtain permission not to go to work for a short period of time.

take on 承担;呈现

  • If you take on a job or responsiblity,especially a difficult one,you accept it.
  • If something takes on a new appearance or quality,it develops that apperance or quality.



动词词组 中文含义
stick with 坚持;紧跟
sum up 简述,总结
surround by 围绕
take away 带走(送至监狱或医院)
swear to 郑重许诺
take off (飞机)起飞;(突然)成功;(突然)离开;脱去;休假
sympathize with 同情;理解;支持
take apart 拆开
take away from 夺去;减去
succeed in 成功
take back 退还;收回(错误的言论)
take for 把…错当成
supply with 供应
stick to 紧跟;坚持;坚守
take on 承担;呈现
switch from/to 转向;转移(注意力)
struggle against 努力斗争
stuggle with 扭打
stop from 阻止
suffer from 受苦



  1. We should ___ the principles and be flexible as well.
  2. When the flood comes,the hotel ___ water.
  3. Governments have also relied on regulations to ____ less costly fuels.
  4. People may ___ loneliness ,anxiety,or other emotional responses to stress.
  5. If they would only pull together they would ___ overcoming the difficulties.
  6. Addison put it that a strong man will the storm of fate.
  7. We are sometimes stirred by emotion and ___ it ___ zeal.
  8. A strong will ___ one ___ committing a crime.
  9. Whatever method you choose,you must consistently ___ it.
  10. The insect can ___ the color of its surroundings.
  11. Tom made everybody present ___ keep secret.
  12. I ___ you ,for I’ve had a similar unhappy experience myself.
  13. They’re probably going to ___ my citizenship ___ me.
  14. If you do not ___ what you said,I shall not speak to you again.
  15. The dustmen ___ all rubbish in the streets every day.
  16. The aircraft hadn’t enough power to ___ in freezing temperatures.
  17. He waited on to ___ me __ cups kf coffee while I wrote the report.
  18. They want to ___ their past experience before going on.
  19. This robot’s job is to ___ bombs that may go off.
  20. The fundamental issue is how to ___ the external invasion.


  1. stick to/stick with
  2. is surrounded by
  3. switch to
  4. suffer from
  5. succeed in
  6. struggle against/struggle with
  7. take for
  8. stop from
  9. stick to/stick with
  10. take on
  11. swear to
  12. sympathize with
  13. take away from
  14. take back
  15. take away
  16. take off
  17. supply with
  18. sum up
  19. take apart
  20. struggle against/struggle with

博主上一篇博文(day4 week3):

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