本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day7 Week 1”


disconnect from 分离

  • If you disconnect something from something else,you separate the two things.

discourage from 阻拦

  • To discourage an action or to discourage someone from doingn it means to make them not want to do it.

divide among 分配

  • If you divide something among people or things,you separate it into several parts or quantities which you distribute to the prople or things.

divide by 除以

  • If you divide a large number by a smaller number,you caluate how many times the smaller number can fit exactly into the larger number.

divide into 分割,分离

  • When people or things are divided into smaller groups or parts they become separated by into smaller parts.

draw from 汲取,提取,取得

  • To draw something such as water or energy from a particular source means to take it from that source.
  • To draw something from a particular thing or place means to take or get it from that thing or place.

dream of 梦想,渴望

  • If you often think about something that you would very much like to happen or have,you can say that you dream of it.

dress up 梳妆打扮;装扮;粉饰,修饰

  • If you dress up or dress yourself up,you put on different clothes,in order to make yourself look more formal than usual or to disguise yourself.
  • If you dress something up,you give them special clothes to wear,in order to make them lok more formal of to disguise them.
  • If you dress something up, you try to make it seem more attractive,acceprable,or interesting that it really is.

drink to 举杯祝愿

  • When people drink to someone or something,they wish them success,good lock or good health before having an alcoholic drink.

drop from /onto 掉落

  • If something drops from somewhere,it falls from that place,If something drops onto something else,it falls onto that thing.

drop off 送至;放下

  • To drop off means the same as to drop

drop out of 辍学

  • If someone drops out of college or a race,for example they leave it without finishing what they started.

encourage by 鼓舞

  • If someone is encouraged by something that happends,it gives them hppe or confidence.

end at 止于

  • A journey,road,or river that ends at a particular place stops there and goes no further.

end by 到头来

  • If you end by doing something,you do that thing even though you did not originally intend to.

end in 以…告终

  • If a situation or event ends in a particular way,it has that particular result.

end with 以…为末端

  • If an object ends with a particular thing,it has that thing on its tip or point,or as its last part.

engage in 从事;使…加入

  • If you engage in an activity,you do it or are actively involved with it.
  • If you engage someone it conversation,you have a conversation with them.

enter for 报名参赛

  • If you enter someone for a race or competition,you officially state that they will compete or take part in it.

enter into 输入

  • To eater information into a computer or database means to record it there by typing it on a keyboard.



动词词组 中文含义
drop out of 辍学
dress up 梳妆打扮;装扮;粉饰,修饰
divide into 分割,分离
drink to 举杯祝愿
encourage by 鼓舞
end in 以…告终
enter into 输入
divide by 除以
dream of 梦想,渴望
enter for 报名参赛
drop off 送至;放下
disconnect from 分离
draw from 汲取,提取,取得
drop from/onto 掉落
divide admong 分配
discourage from 阻拦
end with 以…为末端
end by 到头来
engage in 从事;使…加入
end at 止于



  1. Allow me to ___ your health at this grand birthday party.
  2. We need to ___ your personal information ___ our database first.
  3. What inferences have we been able to ___ one roll of the dice?
  4. What a thrill to ___ an airplane and descend with a parachute!
  5. He began to ___ becoming a famous actor from a tender age.
  6. We tried to ___ him ___ climbing the mountain without a guide.
  7. You know you’ll never go to college if you ___ high school.
  8. If you __ 20 __ 4,the answer is 5 without any doubt.
  9. When I ____ for the party,I feel energetic and successful.
  10. I have no time to ___ this evidently pointless debate
  11. Mom found it hard to ___ the few candies ___ her children.
  12. They invariably start by doing others harm but ___ ruining themselves.
  13. When we ___ inner peace,we bring pain and suffering into our lives.
  14. Economic growth ___ the creation of a viable currencty.
  15. The taxi driver agreed to __ me ___ at the front gate of the night club.
  16. People always believe somehow that the world will ___ one’s death.
  17. The physical benefits of exercise can ___ three factors.
  18. All will compete in two groups,and the first four of each group will___ the finals.
  19. The river is believed to ___ an estuary between two countries.
  20. If a man will begin with certainties,he shall ___ doubts.


  1. drink to
  2. enter into
  3. draw from
  4. drop from
  5. dream of
  6. discourage from
  7. drop out of
  8. divide by
  9. dress up
  10. engage in
  11. divide among
  12. end by
  13. disconnect from
  14. is encouraged by
  15. drop off
  16. end with
  17. be divided into
  18. enter for
  19. end at
  20. end in

博主上一篇博文(day6 week1):

cope with/count on/devote to等动词词组

dream of/dress up/drink to等动词词组相关推荐

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