本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day2 Week 2”


fit in 安排时间处理:相处融洽;发挥作用

  • If you manage to fit a person or task in,you manage to find time to deal with them.
  • If you fit in as part of a group,you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it.
  • If you say that someone or something fit in, you understand how they form part of a particular situation or system.

focus on 关注

  • If you focus on a particular topic or if your attention is focused on it,you concentrate on it and think about it,discuss it,or deal with it,rather than dealing with other topics.

follow up 追查,跟踪

  • If you follow up something that has been said,suggested,or discovered,you try to find out more about it or take action about it.

forbid to 禁止

  • If you forbid someone to do something,you order that it must not to be done.

force into 强行推入

  • If you force something into a particular position,you use a lot of strenth to make it move there.

force on 强加

  • If someone forces something on you,they make you accept or use it when you would prefer not to.

forgive for 原谅

  • If you forgive someone for something bad or wrong that they have done,you stop being angry with them and no longer want to punish them.

gain from 受益于

  • If you gain from something such as an event or situation,you get some advantage or benefit from it.

gaze at 凝视

  • If you gaze at someone or something,you look steadily at them for a long time,for example because you find them attractive or interesting,or because you are thinking about something else.

get across 被理解,讲清楚

  • When an ideaa gets across or when you get it accross,you succeed in making other people understand it.

get along with 与…和睦相处

  • If you get along with someone,you have a friendly relationship with them.

get away with 逃脱惩罚

  • If you get away with doing something wrong or risky,you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it.

get out of 离开;退出(组织),撤销(承诺);(信息)泄露

  • If you get out of a place,you leave it because you want to escape from it,or because you are made to leave it.
  • If you get out of an organization or a commitment,you withdraw from it.
  • If news or information gets out,it becomes known.

get over 恢复;复原;解决

  • If you get over an unpleasant or unhappy experience or an illness,you recover from it.
  • If you get over a problem or difficulty ,you overcome it.

get through 完成,熬过,用电话联系

  • If you get through a task or an amount of work,especially when it is difficult,you complete it.
  • If you get through a difficult or unpleasant period of time,you manage to live through it.
  • If you get through to someone,you succeed in contacting them on the telephone.

get up 起床,站起来

  • When someone who is sitting or lying down gets up,they rise to a standing position.
  • When you get up,you get out of bed.

give back 归还

  • If you give something back,you return it to the person who gave it to you.

give in 投降,让步

  • If you give in,you admit that you are defeated or that you cannot do something.
  • If you give in,you agree to do something that you do not want to do.

give up 放弃(某事或某物)

  • If you give up something,you stop doing it or having it.
  • If you give up, you decide that you cannot do something and stop trying to do it.

go after 追求,追捕,追击

  • If you go after something,you try to get it,catch it,or hit it.



动词词组 中文含义
go after 追求,追捕,追击
forgive for 原谅
focus on 关注
fit in 安排时间处理:相处融洽;发挥作用
give back 归还
follow up 追查,跟踪
give up 放弃(某事或某物)
give in 投降,让步
get up 起床,站起来
get across 被理解,讲清楚
get along with 与…和睦相处
force into 强行推入
force on 强加
forbid to 禁止
get through 完成,熬过,用电话联系
gaze at 凝视
gain from 受益于
get away with 逃脱惩罚
get over 恢复;复原;解决
get out (of) 离开;退出(组织),撤销(承诺);(信息)泄露



  1. They should __ their victories and wipe out the enemy.
  2. What did you learn or ___ you part-time experiences?
  3. It was virtually useless to ___ children ___ play in the park.
  4. No matter how they slander us,we will never ___.
  5. These previous studies would ___ nicely with my own research.
  6. It is much easier to get into debt than to ___ debt.
  7. Matters worsened when the boss tried to __ still more work ___ him.
  8. Irene finally agreed to ____ Terry ___ stealing her money.
  9. Bill Winn was a very easy-going fellow to ___.
  10. Slave owners used to ___ slaves ___ endless heavy labor.
  11. Why did Jeanne ___ you with tearful eyes?
  12. As a college tutor,he doesn’t ___ fame or money.
  13. Do not forget to ___ your door key when you leave the hotel.
  14. Many companies have begun to ___ serving the needs of people with their products.
  15. What point are you trying to ___ to the audience?
  16. I’ll ___ early,so as to be ready when you come.
  17. If you dare to cheat in the exam,you’ll never ____ it.
  18. She must make an effort to ___ the cold night in the open air.
  19. It took me such a long time to ___ my cold .
  20. My personal doctor advised me to ____ smoking without delay.


  1. follow up
  2. gain from
  3. forbid to
  4. give in
  5. fit in
  6. get out of
  7. force on
  8. forgive for
  9. get along with
  10. force into
  11. gaze at
  12. go after
  13. give back
  14. focus on
  15. get across
  16. get up
  17. get away with
  18. get through
  19. get over
  20. give up

博主上一篇博文(day1 week2):

equate with/feed on/equip with等动词词组

gain from/gaze at/get across等动词词组相关推荐

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