本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day5 Week 2”


know about 了解

  • If you know about a subject,you have studied it or taken an interest in it,and understand part or all of it.

laugh at 嘲笑

  • If people laugh at someone or something ,they mock them or make joke about them.

lead to 导致;促使

  • If something leads to a situation or an event ,usually an unpleasant one,it begins a process which causes that situation or event to happen.
  • If something leads you to do something,it influences or a affects you in such a way that you do it.

learn of 得知

  • If you learn of something,you find out about it.

learn from 吸取教训

  • If you learn from an unpleasant experience,you change the way you behave so that it does not happen again or so that,if it happens again,you can deal with it better.

leave behind 永远离开;留下;落后

  • If you leave someone or something behind,you go away permanently from them.
  • If you leave behind an object or a situation,it remains after you have left a place.
  • If a person,country ,or organization is left behind, they remain at a lower level than others because they are not as quick at understanding things or developing .

leave out (of) 排除

  • If you leave someone or something out of an activity,collection,discussion,or group ,you do not include them in it.

let down 使失望,使失败

  • If you let someone down,you disappoint them,by not doing something that you have said you will do or that they expected you to do.
  • If something lets you down, it is the reason you are not as successful as you could have been.

lie down 躺下

  • When you lie down, you move into horizontal position,usually in order to rest or sleep.

liken to 把…比作

  • If you liken one thing or person to anothing thing or person,you say that they are similar.

limit to 仅限于

  • If something is limited to a particular place or group or people,it exists only in that place, or is had or done only by that group.

line up 排队,将…排成队,将…排成行

  • If people line up or if you line them up,they move so that they are standing in aline.
  • If you line things up, you move them into a straight row.

listen to 倾听,听从

  • If you listen to someone who is talking or ro a sound,you give your attention to them or it.
  • If you listen to someone ,you do what they advise you o do,or you believe them.

listen for 留心地听

  • If you listen for a sound,you keep alert and are ready to hear it if it occurs.

live on/off 以…为收入,以…为主食

  • If you live on or live off a particular source of income,that is where you get the money that you need.
  • If an animal lives on or lives off a particular food,this is the kind of food that it eats.

long for 渴望

  • If you long for something,you want it very much.

look at 打量;考虑,研究;看待

  • If you look at someone in a particular way,you look at them with your experssion showing what you are feeling or thinking .
  • If you look at a subject,problem,or situation,you think about it or study it,so that you know all about it and can perhaps consider what should be done in relation to it.
  • If you look at a person,situation,or subject from a particular point of a view,you judge them or consider them from that point of view.

look for 寻找

  • If you look for something ,for example,something that you have lost ,you try to find it.
  • If you are looking for something such as the solution to a problem or a new method,you want it and are trying to obtain it or think of it.

look forward to 期待,盼望

  • If you look forward to something that is going to happen,you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it.
  • IF you say that someone is looking forward to something used or positive,you mean they expect it to happen.

look into 调查

  • If a person or orgaization is looking into a possible course of action,a problem,or a situation,they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it.



动词词组 中文含义
leave behind 永远离开;留下;落后
listen for 留心地听
know about 了解
learn from 吸取教训
look for 寻找
liken to 把…比作
lie down 躺下
leave out (of) 排除
long for 渴望
look into 调查
laugh at 嘲笑
live on/off 以…为收入,以…为主食
line up 排队,将…排成队,将…排成行
lead to 导致;促使
look at 打量;考虑,研究;看待
learn of 得知
look forward to 期待,盼望
limit to 仅限于
let down 使失望,使失败
listen to 倾听,听从



  1. We __ finding further answers to the mystery of animal navigation.
  2. The major use of coal in this region __ heating.
  3. I’m turning out the cupboard to ___ a lost key.
  4. You can ___ the parts of the story that are not interesting.
  5. We had barely enough to ___ in those grim Depression years.
  6. There is nothing worse than to be ___ by others because they have not kept their promises.
  7. It’s very unkind to __ a person who is in trouble.
  8. Many young folks love to __ revolutionary stories.
  9. We may ___ life __ one journey with unknown destination.
  10. The simplest way of listening to music is to ___ its sheer pleasure.
  11. He had to ___ for a while to rest both of his legs .
  12. Why did you apply to our orgaizaion and what do you ___ us?
  13. Back home,I was always able to __ the concerns of the coffice .
  14. To _____ foreign countries is entirely different from worshipping everything foreign.
  15. The Government set up a special team to ___ the problem.
  16. We all ___ a time of tranquillization and properity.
  17. Please ___ these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal .
  18. The rising sun is especially beautiful to __ from this angle.
  19. I’m deeply shocked and saddened to ___ your great loss.
  20. Not following this line of reasoning can ___ the problem of users’initial impressions.


  1. look forward to
  2. is limited to
  3. look for
  4. leave out
  5. live on
  6. let down
  7. laugh at
  8. listen to
  9. liken to
  10. listen for
  11. lie down
  12. know about
  13. leave behind
  14. learn from
  15. look into
  16. long for
  17. line up
  18. look at
  19. learn of
  20. lead to

博主上一篇博文(day4 week2):

go without/graduate from/hand over等动词词组

live on/long for/limit to等动词词组相关推荐

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