本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day2 Week 3”


rent to 出租

  • If you rent something to someone,you let them have it and use it in exchange for a sum of money which they pay you regulary.

replace with 代替,替换

  • If you replace one thing or person with another,you put something or someone else in their place to do their job.

reply to 回答,答复

  • When you reply to something that someone has said or written to you,you say or write an answer to them.

report to 告发;控告;隶属于

  • If someone reports you to a person in a authority.they tell that person about something wrong that you have done.
  • If you say that one employee reports to another,you mean that the first employee is told what to do by the second one and is responsible to them.

respond to 回应;应对

  • When you respond to something that is done or said,you react to it by doing or saying is something yourself.
  • When you respond to a need,crisis,or challenge,you take the necessary or appropriate action.

restrict to 限制于;限定于

  • If you restrict someone or their activities to one thing,they can only do,have,or deal with that thing.if you restrict them to one place ,they cannot go anywhere else.
  • If you restrict something to a particular place,it is allowed only in that place.

result from 起因

  • If something results from a particular event or action,it is caused by that event or action.

result in 致使

  • If something results in a particular situation or event ,it causes that situation or event to happen.

return to 返回;恢复;回到(先前话题);重新开始

  • When you return to a place,you go back there after you have been away.
  • If you return to a state that you were in before,you start being in that state again.
  • If you return to a subject that you have mentioned before,you begin talking about it again.
  • If you return to an activity that you were doing before,you start doing it again.

rule out 排除l阻止发生

  • If you rule out a course of action,an idea,or a solution,you decide that it is impossible or unsuitable.
  • If something rules out a situation,it prevents it from happening or from being possible.

run for 竞选

  • If someone runs for office in an election,they take part as a candidate.

run away from/with 出走;私奔;避开

  • If you run away from a place,you leave it because you are unhappy there.
  • If you run away with someone,you secretly go away with them in order to live with them or marry them.
  • If you run away from something unpleasant or new,you try to avoid dealing with it or thinking about it.

run out (of) 用完;耗尽

  • If run out of something,you have no more of it left.
  • If something runs out,it becomes used up so that there is no more left.

save up 存钱

  • To save up means the same as to save .

say about 说明

  • If something is said about a person,situation,or thing,important information is given about them.

search for 搜寻

  • If you search for something or someone,you lookk carefully for them,

see into 调查

  • If you see into something,you examine or investigate it.

see off 送行

  • When you see someone off,you go with them to the station,airport,or port that they are leaving from,and say goodbye to them there.

seek to 力量;设法

  • If you seek to do something,you try to do it.

sell out (of) 销售一空;(票等)售完;全部售罄

  • If a shop sells out of something,it sells all its stocks of it,so that there is no longer any left for people to buy.
  • If a performance,sports event,or other entertainment sells out,all the tickets for it are sold.
  • When things sell out,all of them that are available are sold.



动词词组 中文含义
report to 告发;控告;隶属于
run away from / with 出走;私奔;避开
replace with 代替,替换
see into 调查
rule out 排除l阻止发生
return to 返回;恢复;回到(先前话题);重新开始
seek to 力量;设法
reply to 回答,答复
sell out (of) 销售一空;(票等)售完;全部售罄
result in 致使
rent to 出租
say about 说明
see off 送行
save up 存钱
search for 搜寻
run for 竞选
run out (of) 用完;耗尽
restrict to 限制于;限定于
respond to 回应;应对
result from 起因



  1. Before buying a book,you can first ___ its reader reviews online.
  2. The Governor is going to ___ the Senate after this term.
  3. Slow degradation of ground water quality may ___ repeated use.
  4. That country would soon ___ end its self-imposed diplomatic isolation.
  5. Hal’s got that uncanny ability to ___ the future.
  6. They were prompt to ___ our call for help.
  7. New regulatioins ___ anyone under the age of eighteen.
  8. Be sure to ___ all four batteries ___ the same brand.
  9. It is forbidden to ___ the house ___ a second tenant.
  10. This can’t help but ___ products that lack a coherent use experience.
  11. I ___ money every month and cannot save a single penny.
  12. It is always a good idea to ___ money for a rainy day.
  13. She raised her head to ___ her son,her eyes blurred with tears.
  14. He doesn’t care too much about what the critics ___ his work.
  15. He was said to ___ home when he was only sixteen.
  16. When you are done with this task,you can ___ what you were doing.
  17. Do you forget the fact that as a subordinate you have to ___ me?
  18. Nations can ___ their foreign trade ___ certain regions.
  19. He decided to ___ his shares in that company.
  20. Despite wanting to see him again,she refused to ___ his letters.


  1. search for
  2. run for
  3. result from
  4. seek to
  5. see into
  6. resopond to
  7. rule out
  8. replace with
  9. rent to
  10. result in
  11. run out of
  12. save up
  13. see off
  14. say about
  15. run away from
  16. return to
  17. report to
  18. restrict to
  19. sell out
  20. reply to

博主上一篇博文(day1 week3):

range form /recover from等动词词组

see into/see off/seek to等动词词组相关推荐

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