
  • Podcast
  • purview *n.* [PER-vyoo]
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purview podcast

purview n. [PER-vyoo]



1 a: the body or enacting part of a statute
1 a:法令的主体或者实施部分
   b: the limit, purpose, or scope of a statute

2: the range or limit of authority, competence, responsibility, concern, or intention.

3: range of vision, understanding, or cognizance

注:statute:法令,法规,条例;body:身体,主体,正文,主要部分,团体,尸体;authority:官方,当局,职权,权威;competence:能力,胜任,管辖权;concern:n. 担心,担忧,公司,企业;intention:意图,目的,意向,打算

Did You Know?

You might guess that there is a connection between purview and view. Purview comes for purveu, a word often found in the legal statues of 13th- and 14th- century England. These statutes, written in Anglo-French, opened with the phrases purveu est and puveu que, which translate literally to “it is provided” and “provided that.” Purveu derives from porveu, the past participle of the Old French verb porveeir, meaning “to provide.” View derives (via Middle English) from the past participle of another Anglo-French word, veer, meaning “to see,” and ultimately from Latin vidēre, of the same meaning.

porveu (p.p. of porveeir, “to provide”) —> purveu (Anglo-French, “provided”) —> purveu
veer(Latin, “to see”) —> view

你可能会猜测purviewview这两个单词有一些联系。Purview来自于purveu,这个词常见于13/14世纪英国的法律法令中。这些法令使用Anglo-French语言书写,通常以短语purveu est或者puveu que开头,翻译成英语,字面意思是“It is provided,即这是如下…(规定)”或者“provided that,即倘若,以…为条件”。Purveu衍生自Old French动词porveeir的过去分词 porveu,意思是“to provide,即提供,给予,假若”。View通过Middle English衍生自另一个Anglo-French单词veer(to see,看见)的过去分词,最终可以回溯到拉丁单词vidēre,意思也是“看见”。


  • “The Supreme Court had ruled that the House has purview over ordering a new election …”
    Dan Haar, The New Haven (Connecticut) Register, 13 Feb. 2019

  • In getting the role of president of NBC Entertainment’s Alternative and Reality Group, [Meredith] Ahr now commands one of the biggest unscripted portfolios in television. Adding the network to her purview means that she also will be the executive overseeing TV’s two biggest reality properties, America’s Got Talent and The Voice."
    Michael O’Connell, Hollywoodreporter.com, 19 Nov. 2018

    获得NBC Entertainment’s Alternative and Reality Group的主席职位后,[Meredith] Ahr正在指挥着电视行业中最大的史无前例的大组合。将网络部门纳入她的管辖意味着她还管理着最大的两个电视实体产业 - 美国达人秀与美国好声音。(注:不懂,瞎翻译的)

    注:unscripted:不用草稿的,出人意料的;portfolio: 文件夹;公事包;作品集;投资组合;(大臣或)部长职务

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