
Microsoft PowerPoint lets you zoom in and out on a specific part of your PowerPoint slideshow, which can be handy both while editing and for drawing attention to important objects or ideas during the presentation. Here’s how to do it.

Microsoft PowerPoint使您可以放大和缩小PowerPoint幻灯片的特定部分,在编辑过程中以及在演示过程中吸引对重要对象或想法的注意时,这都非常方便。 这是操作方法。

Whether you’re in normal view or slideshow view, PowerPoint lets you zoom in and out as the need arises. There are a few ways you can do this, depending on which view you’re in.

无论是普通视图还是幻灯片视图,PowerPoint都可以根据需要放大和缩小。 您有几种方法可以执行此操作,具体取决于您所在的视图。

The first method is by using the zoom bar at the bottom-right of the window (which isn’t available in the slideshow view). This method is convenient as the zoom bar is immediately accessible. To use the zoom bar,  click and drag the bar left or right to zoom out or in, respectively. You can also resize the slide to fit your current window by clicking the box to the right of the zoom bar.

第一种方法是使用窗口右下角的缩放栏(在幻灯片显示视图中不可用)。 此方法很方便,因为可以立即访问缩放栏。 要使用缩放栏,请分别单击并向左或向右拖动该栏以缩小或放大。 您还可以通过单击缩放栏右侧的框来调整幻灯片的大小以适合当前窗口。

Another method is using the “Zoom” tool, found on the “View” tab.


In the “Zoom” window, you can select a zoom percentage from the list of available options or enter a precise percentage into the “Percent” box. Once ready, click “OK,” and your slide will zoom to the selected amount.

在“缩放”窗口中,您可以从可用选项列表中选择缩放百分比,或在“百分比”框中输入精确的百分比。 准备好后,单击“确定”,您的幻灯片将缩放到所选的数量。

Those two methods are great for when you’re editing and need to take a closer look at something. But if you’re in the middle of giving your presentation and want to zoom in on a specific part for emphasis, you can do that too.

这两种方法非常适合您编辑时需要仔细查看的内容。 但是,如果您正在演示中,并且希望放大特定部分以进行强调,则也可以这样做。

Select the magnifying glass from the presenter view and then click the part of the slide you want to zoom. Once zoomed in, you can click and drag to move the slide around. When you’re finished, click the magnifying glass again to zoom back out.

从演示者视图中选择放大镜,然后单击幻灯片中要缩放的部分。 放大后,您可以单击并拖动以移动幻灯片。 完成后,再次单击放大镜以缩小。

One last tip: In both normal and slideshow view, you can hold the Ctrl key while scrolling your mouse wheel to zoom in and out. This also works if you want to resize your slide thumbnails.

最后一个提示:在普通视图和幻灯片视图中,您都可以在按住Ctrl键的同时滚动鼠标滚轮来放大和缩小。 如果要调整幻灯片缩略图的大小,这也可以使用。

That’s all there is to it!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/427697/how-to-zoom-in-and-out-on-part-of-a-powerpoint-presentation/



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