
Delivering a presentation is not just about giving good slides, it is also about making sure that our presentation finishes by the time our audience wants to have their tea break—so practicing how long to speak for each slide is essential for a proper presentation.


排练我们的幻灯片 (Rehearsing our Slides)

Before we rehearse, make sure that we select our first slide. Now open the ‘Slide Show’ tab and click the ‘Rehearse Timings’ button.

在排练之前,请确保我们选择了第一张幻灯片。 现在打开“幻灯片放映”选项卡,然后单击“排练时间”按钮。

Powerpoint will start the usual presentation mode with a timer panel. The clock on the panel will start ticking once we enter the presentation mode.

Powerpoint将通过计时器面板启动常规演示模式。 进入演示模式后,面板上的时钟将开始计时。

Click on the arrow button to move on the next slide and Microsoft Powerpoint will record each timing as you progress from one slide to the next one. You can also click on the pause button just in case you need to answer the phone or turn off the oven while you’re rehearsing your slides.

单击箭头按钮以移动到下一张幻灯片,并且Microsoft Powerpoint将记录您从一张幻灯片前进到下一张幻灯片的时间。 您也可以单击“暂停”按钮,以防在排练幻灯片时需要接听电话或关闭烤箱。

You will see a summary on how much time you have spent on each slide at the end of the rehearsal.


创建自运行演示 (Create a Self-Running Presentation)

You can even set a self-running power point slides and let it run according to these timing, relieving us from the need to manually navigate the slides. Bear in mind that we can run into a situation where Powerpoint changes the slides before we finish, so make sure that you can deliver each slide based on your rehearsal timing.

您甚至可以设置一个自运行的Powerpoint幻灯片,并使其按照这些时间运行,从而使我们免于手动浏览幻灯片的麻烦。 请记住,我们可能会遇到Powerpoint在完成幻灯片之前更改幻灯片的情况,因此请确保您可以根据排练时间交付每张幻灯片。

Click on the setup slide show button.


Select the ‘Browsed at a kiosk (full screen)’ option to setup a self-running Powerpoint presentation. Press the ‘esc’ key to stop the self-running presentation.

选择“在自助服务终端浏览(全屏)”选项,以设置自运行的Powerpoint演示文稿。 按“ Esc”键停止自运行演示。

You can re-adjust the presentation timing by recording back from the beginning or from the current slide.


If we’re still not happy with the timing, we can clear all the slides timing and redo our presentation rehearsal.


Delivering a good presentation is not an easy task and requires a lot of practice. There are tons of great things that we can do with Powerpoint to add punch to our presentation, for example:

提供出色的演示文稿并非易事,需要大量练习。 使用Powerpoint可以做很多很棒的事情来增加演示文稿的效果,例如:

  • Adding live web pages to our presentation


  • Animating text and objects


  • Putting video from the web in our presentation


  • Using your mouse as a laser pointer in PowerPoint 2010

    在PowerPoint 2010中将鼠标用作激光笔

What other tips do you have for giving an effective presentation?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/34395/how-to-time-your-powerpoint-slides-for-more-effective-presentations/



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