In Java, a method signature is part of the method declaration. It's the combination of the method name and the parameter list.

在Java中 ,方法签名是方法声明的一部分。 它是方法名称和参数列表的组合。

The reason for the emphasis on just the method name and parameter list is because of overloading. It's the ability to write methods that have the same name but accept different parameters. The Java compiler is able to discern the difference between the methods through their method signatures.

只强调方法名称和参数列表的原因是由于重载 。 可以编写名称相同但接受不同参数的方法。 Java编译器能够通过它们的方法签名来识别方法之间的差异。

方法签名示例 ( Method Signature Examples )

public void setMapReference(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate){//method code}

The method signature in the above example is setMapReference(int, int). In other words, it's the method name and the parameter list of two integers.

上例中的方法签名为setMapReference(int,int)。 换句话说,它是方法名称和两个整数的参数列表。

public void setMapReference(Point position){//method code}

The Java compiler will let us add another method like the above example because its method signature is different, setMapReference(Point) in this case.


public double calculateAnswer(double wingSpan, int numberOfEngines, double length, double grossTons) {   //method code}

In our last example of a Java method signature, if you follow the same rules as the first two examples, you can see that the method signature here is calculateAnswer(double, int, double, double).




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