
By default, PowerPoint slides use a widescreen format in a 16:9 ratio. If you’d like to change it to the standard format (4:3 ratio), or even create a custom size, PowerPoint provides a quick and painless way to make this happen.

默认情况下,PowerPoint幻灯片以16:9的比例使用宽屏格式。 如果您想将其更改为标准格式(4:3的比例),或者甚至创建自定义大小,PowerPoint都会提供一种快速而轻松的方法来实现。

调整大小PowerPoint模板 (Resizing PowerPoint Templates)

Resizing the slides in PowerPoint will affect the way they appear during the actual presentation and how they appear on the handouts. Go ahead and open up the presentation that we will be resizing and select the “Design” tab.

在PowerPoint中调整幻灯片的大小将影响它们在实际演示中的显示方式以及在讲义中的显示方式。 继续并打开我们将要调整大小的演示文稿,然后选择“设计”选项卡。

Next, click the “Slide Size” button.


A menu will appear, allowing you to choose between the “Standard” format (4:3) or the “Widescreen” format (16:9). If you’re switching over to the standard format without any other changes, you can select it from the menu, and the changes will take effect. If you want to do a little custom tweaking to tailor the size to your specific needs, then select “Custom Slide Size.”

将出现一个菜单,您可以在“标准”格式(4:3)或“宽屏”格式(16:9)之间进行选择。 如果您要切换到标准格式而没有其他任何更改,则可以从菜单中选择它,更改将生效。 如果您要进行一些自定义调整,以调整尺寸以适合您的特定需求,请选择“自定义幻灯片尺寸”。

In the Slide Size window that appears, clicking the box under “Slides sized for” (1) will open a menu with several different options. Choose the one that best matches your needs. Alternatively, you can customize the dimensions of the slides by entering the slide size in the “Width” and “Height” boxes (2). Finally, you can choose the orientation of your slides and handouts by selecting “Portrait” or “Landscape” (4) in the respective section.

在出现的“幻灯片大小”窗口中,单击“大小适用于”的幻灯片(1)下的框,将打开一个包含多个不同选项的菜单。 选择最符合您需求的产品。 或者,您可以通过在“宽度”和“高度”框中输入幻灯片大小来自定义幻灯片的尺寸(2)。 最后,您可以通过在相应部分中选择“纵向”或“横向”(4)来选择幻灯片和讲义的方向。

Once you’re happy with your setup, click “OK.”


If this is the size you’d like to use for future presentations, then save this theme and select it for your next presentation. Back on the “Design” tab, select the “more” arrow, which you can find at the bottom-right of the “Themes” group.

如果这是您将来用于演示文稿的大小,请保存此主题并在下一个演示文稿中选择它。 返回“设计”选项卡,选择“更多”箭头,您可以在“主题”组的右下角找到它。

At the bottom of the menu that appears, select “Save Current Theme.”


Windows Explorer will now appear, prompting you to name and save your theme. Go ahead and rename it, but don’t change the location where it will be saved. Themes saved to this default location are available with a click of your mouse button on PowerPoint’s splash screen. Once finished, click “Save.”

现在将出现Windows资源管理器,提示您命名并保存主题。 继续并重命名它,但是不要更改将其保存的位置。 在PowerPoint的初始屏幕上单击鼠标按钮,即可使用保存到此默认位置的主题。 完成后,点击“保存”。

Let’s make sure it saved. Go ahead and close out of your current PowerPoint presentation and reopen PowerPoint—this time as a blank presentation. Select “New” in the left pane.

让我们确保它已保存。 继续并关闭当前的PowerPoint演示文稿,然后重新打开PowerPoint(这次作为空白演示文稿)。 在左窗格中选择“新建”。

Near the top of the window, select “Custom.”


If saved properly, your theme will appear here.


Selecting your custom theme will open a new presentation with all of your settings saved.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408960/how-to-resize-powerpoint-templates/



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