
Deleting animations from a PowerPoint presentation is simple and quick, but what if you just want to disable the animations during a particular presentation? Good news; there’s a way.

从PowerPoint演示文稿中删除动画非常简单快捷,但是如果您只想在特定演示文稿中禁用动画怎么办? 好消息; 有办法

删除单个(或多个)对象动画 (Deleting Single (or Multiple) Object Animations)

Let’s say you have a presentation that, though you’re happy with the content, you’d like to remove all of the animations and start over. No problem. Though PowerPoint doesn’t currently have a feature that allows you to wipe all animations from a presentation at once, you can delete them slide by slide, which is still a pretty quick and painless task.

假设您有一个演示文稿,尽管您对内容感到满意,但还是希望删除所有动画并重新开始。 没问题。 尽管PowerPoint当前没有允许您一次擦除演示文稿中所有动画的功能,但是您可以逐个幻灯片地删除它们,这仍然是一项非常快捷而轻松的任务。

Go ahead and open up the presentation that has the animations you’d like to delete. Select the slide that has the animations you want to delete.

继续并打开包含您要删除的动画的演示文稿。 选择包含要删除的动画的幻灯片。

Tip: You can easily tell which slides have animations in PowerPoint’s “Normal View.” As you can see in the screenshot below, the slides with animations have a star under the slide number.

提示:您可以在PowerPoint的“普通视图”中轻松分辨出哪些幻灯片具有动画。 如您在下面的屏幕快照中所见,带有动画的幻灯片在幻灯片编号下方带有一个星号。

To delete an animation an object at a time, you first need to select the object.


Next, head over to the “Animations” tab and select “None” from the list of options.


This will successfully delete the animation from the object. The process is the same for deleting animations from multiple objects at once. To select multiple objects at once, hold the Ctrl key and select the objects and then remove the animations by selecting that same “None” option.

这将成功从对象中删除动画。 一次删除多个对象中的动画的过程相同。 要一次选择多个对象,请按住Ctrl键并选择对象,然后通过选择相同的“无”选项来删除动画。

To get rid of all the animations on a slide, it’s easiest to select all the objects on the slide by pressing Ctrl+A. Then you can select the “None” option on the “Animations” tab to remove all the animations from the slide.

要消除幻灯片上的所有动画,最简单的方法是按Ctrl + A选择幻灯片上的所有对象。 然后,您可以在“动画”选项卡上选择“无”选项,以从幻灯片中删除所有动画。

Repeat this process for each slide in the presentation, and you’ll be animation free in no time.


禁用整个PowerPoint演示文稿的动画 (Disable an Entire PowerPoint Presentation’s Animations)

Now let’s say you only want to disable the animations instead of completely deleting them. This will be ideal if you’re planning to use the presentation with animations in the future. There’s also the benefit of having a feature that disables the entire presentation’s animations, so you don’t have to go through each slide.

现在,假设您只想禁用动画,而不是完全删除它们。 如果您打算将来将演示文稿与动画一起使用,这将是理想的选择。 具有禁用整个演示文稿的动画的功能还有一个好处,因此您不必遍历每张幻灯片。

Head over to the “Slide Show” tab and click the “Set Up Slide Show” button.


In the “Set Up Show” window select the “Show without animations” option and then click “OK.”


All of the animations in the presentation are now disabled. To reverse this, go back and untick the “Show without animations” checkbox.

演示文稿中的所有动画现在都被禁用。 要扭转这种情况,请返回并取消选中“不显示动画”复选框。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/407396/how-to-disable-or-delete-powerpoint-animations/



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