shopify 开发

On this week's episode of the freeCodeCamp podcast, Quincy interviews Adam Hollett. He's a software developer at Shopify in Ottawa, Canada.

在本周的freeCodeCamp播客节目中,Quincy采访了Adam Hollett。 他是加拿大渥太华Shopify的软件开发人员。

Adam started building basic websites and forums when he was in high school, but he never saw coding as something he could do professionally. He got a degree in English Literature, worked in food prep, and taught at a community college. He later worked as a technical writer, and set his eyes on working at Shopify, a major Canadian tech company based in Ottawa. Adam was able to gradually to learn new tools on the job that helped him transition into a role as developer.

Adam上高中时就开始建立基本的网站和论坛,但是他从未认为编码是他可以做的专业工作。 他获得了英国文学学位,从事食品准备工作,并在社区大学任教。 后来他担任技术作家,并致力于在Shopify(一家位于渥太华的加拿大大型科技公司)的工作。 Adam能够逐步在工作中学习新工具,从而帮助他过渡为开发人员。

We talk about Adam's journey - from meandering college student to software developer - and the many lessons he learned along the way.


It's a 1-hour listen in your favorite podcast player app - just search "freecodecamp" and you should find it.

在您喜欢的播客播放器应用程序中聆听音乐需要1个小时-只需搜索“ freecodecamp”,您就应该找到它。

If you have an Amazon Echo, you can just say "Alexa - play the freeCodeCamp podcast."

如果您有Amazon Echo,则可以说“ Alexa-播放freeCodeCamp播客”。

Or you can listen to it or right here in your browser. Enjoy the interview!

或者您可以在浏览器中或在此处收听。 享受采访!


shopify 开发

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