
On this week's episode of the podcast, Abbey interviews Ariel Leslie, a software developer and avid contributor to the freeCodeCamp community.

在本周的freeCodeCamp.org播客节目中,Abbey采访了Ariel Leslie,他是freeCodeCamp社区的软件开发人员和积极贡献者。

Ariel's path to becoming a developer was not particularly direct. After getting a degree and then trying her hand at managing a used bookstore and selling knives, among other exploratory ventures, she found her way back to school and to the world of tech.

Ariel成为开发人员的道路并不是特别直接。 在获得学位并尝试管理一家二手书店并出售刀具以及其他探索性事业之后,她找到了回到学校和科技界的途径。

She believes that being a non-traditional student gave her an important perspective on education, and she didn't let a single opportunity pass her by. During school, she tackled several internships that exposed her to many different languages and technologies. It was her goal to graduate with a job lined up, and she made it happen. Today, she works for LGS Labs in Colorado on top secret projects she can't really talk about.

她认为,作为一名非传统的学生,她对教育有着重要的看法,而且她并没有让任何一个机会过去。 在学校期间,她完成了几次实习,使她接触了许多不同的语言和技术。 她的目标是毕业后完成一份工作,并实现了目标。 如今,她在科罗拉多州的LGS实验室工作,从事她无法真正谈论的绝密项目。

Outside of her busy work life, Ariel loves helping new coders get started. Her tireless work on the freeCodeCamp forum allows her to support people all over the world at the beginning of their programming journeys.

除了工作繁忙之外,Ariel还喜欢帮助新的编码人员入门。 她在freeCodeCamp论坛上所做的不懈努力使她可以在编程之旅开始时为全世界的人们提供支持。

When she's not hashing out issues at work or offering guidance to members of the freeCodeCamp community, you might find her playing Dungeons and Dragons, learning the Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer, studying for her motorcycle license, or, every once in a while, just relaxing at home.


In this episode, we talk about how Ariel tackles her insecurities, why she loves the challenge of a tough problem, the importance of good mentors and community support, and why it's critical to keep talking about women in tech...among many other things!

在本集中,我们讨论了爱丽儿如何解决自己的不安全感,为什么她喜欢艰难的挑战,良好的导师和社区支持的重要性,以及为什么在技术领域继续谈论女性至关重要…… !

It's a 1-hour listen in your favorite podcast player app - just search "freecodecamp" and you should find it.

在您喜欢的播客播放器应用程序中聆听音乐需要1个小时-只需搜索“ freecodecamp”,您就应该找到它。

If you have an Amazon Echo, you can just say "Alexa - play the freeCodeCamp podcast."

如果您有Amazon Echo,则可以说“ Alexa-播放freeCodeCamp播客”。

Or you can listen to it right here in your browser. Enjoy the interview!

或者,您可以在浏览器中直接在此处收听。 享受采访!



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