传智播客 c#

On today's episode, I interview Alexander Kallaway. Alex is a software engineer who created the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

在今天的节目中,我采访了亚历山大·卡洛维(Alexander Kallaway)。 Alex是一位创建#100DaysOfCode挑战的软件工程师。

In addition to talking about the 100DaysOfCode challenge itself - a challenge which, at this point, thousands of people have taken - Alex and I also talk about how he and his wife moved from Russia to Canada to advance their careers, and how he used freeCodeCamp to gain the skills he needed to get his first developer job.


Alex is an incredibly motivated person, and in this interview I delve into how he keeps himself so fired-up day after day.


You can listen to the full interview here in your browser, or listen to the freeCodeCamp Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. (55 minute listen)

您可以在浏览器中收听完整的采访 ,也可以在任何收听播客的地方收听freeCodeCamp播客。 (55分钟听)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/100-days-of-code-creator-alexander-kallaway/

传智播客 c#

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