
In order to set up an Android device, you have to sign in with a Google account. But you can also add more than one Google account, like a work or second personal account.

为了设置Android设备,您必须使用Google帐户登录。 但是,您也可以添加多个Google帐户,例如工作帐户或第二个个人帐户。

The good news is that adding a second (or third, fourth, etc.) Google account to your Android phone or tablet is a simple and streamlined process, regardless of which manufacturer’s handset you’re currently using. While I’ll be using a Nexus device running stock Android for this tutorial, you should be able to easily follow along on mostly any of the Android handsets out there today.

好消息是,无论您当前使用的是哪家制造商的手机,在您的Android手机或平板电脑上添加第二个(或第三,第四等)Google帐户都是一个简单而又简化的过程。 在本教程中,尽管我将使用运行Android的Nexus设备,但您应该能够轻松地使用当今的大多数Android手机。

通过Android的设置添加帐户 (Add an Account from Android’s Settings)

The first thing you’ll need to do is jump into the Settings menu. Pull down the notification shade, and hit the cog icon (on stock Android devices, you’ll need to pull the shade a second time before the cog will appear).

您需要做的第一件事是跳到“设置”菜单。 下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标(在Android设备上,您需要再次拉动阴影,才能显示齿轮)。

From there, scroll down until you see “Accounts.” On some devices, it may be called “Accounts & sync” or something similar.

从那里向下滚动,直到看到“帐户”。 在某些设备上,它可能称为“帐户和同步”或类似名称。

Depending on how many accounts you’re already signed into on your device, the list that shows up here could be pretty long—just scroll down to the bottom, and there will be an “Add account” link. Tap that.

根据您已经在设备上登录的帐户的数量,此处显示的列表可能会很长-只需向下滚动到底部,就会有一个“添加帐户”链接。 点一下

Again, depending on your exact setup, a lot of apps could show up here (anything that allows you to sign in!), but just look for “Google.” Once you’ve found it, give that little guy a tap-a-roo.

同样,根据您的确切设置,此处可能会显示许多应用程序(允许您登录的任何内容!),但只需查找“ Google”即可。 找到它后,给那个小家伙一个小玩意儿。

If your device is protected by a PIN, pattern, or password, you’ll have to enter it before you can continue. If the device supports it, you can also use a fingerprint.

如果您的设备受到PIN,图案或密码的保护,则必须先输入设备,然后才能继续。 如果设备支持,您也可以使用指纹。

On the next screen, just input your Google account info, then password. If the account is set up with two-factor authentication (and it should be!), then you’ll have to wait for the code to come through. Once that happens, you’re ready to go. Just tap “Accept.”

在下一个屏幕上,只需输入您的Google帐户信息,然后输入密码即可。 如果该帐户设置了双重身份验证( 应该是! ),那么您将不得不等待代码通过。 一旦发生这种情况,您就可以开始了。 只需点击“接受”。

From there, it’ll jump back to the home screen, but if you want to configure synced data (like Gmail, app data, contacts, etc.), you’ll need to jump back into Settings> Accounts>Google, then select the account you just added.

从那里,它将跳回到主屏幕,但是如果您想配置同步数据(例如Gmail,应用程序数据,联系人等),则需要跳回到“设置”>“帐户”>“ Google”,然后选择您刚刚添加的帐户。

You can now completely configure what sort of information you’d like to sync. For example, I added my work account, where I don’t need things like App Data or Docs, but I do need Gmail and Calendar.

现在,您可以完全配置要同步的信息类型。 例如,我添加了我的工作帐户,在这里我不需要诸如应用数据或文档之类的东西,但是我确实需要Gmail和日历。

从Gmail添加帐户 (Add an Account from Gmail)

You can also add a secondary account directly from the Gmail app.


From anywhere in the app, slide open the menu on the left side. You can also tap the three lines in the top left.

从应用程序中的任何位置,滑动打开左侧的菜单。 您也可以点击左上方的三行。

With the menu open, tap your name and email address—there’s a little arrow beside it.


When that menu opens, tap the “Add account” button.


From here, just tap the “Google” button.

在这里,只需点击“ Google”按钮。

The rest of the process is identical to above, so give that a look.





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