
Google has carefully designed its account system so that it can be at the center of your digital life. But if you need to use multiple Google accounts (say, if you have a personal Gmail and a work Gmail), things get tricky quickly. Fortunately, Google’s login system has been updated with this in mind, so it can take multiple accounts into, well, account.

Google精心设计了其帐户系统,使其可以成为您数字生活的中心。 但是,如果您需要使用多个Google帐户(例如,如果您拥有个人Gmail和工作Gmail),那么事情就会很快变得棘手。 幸运的是,考虑到这一点,谷歌的登录系统已经进行了更新,因此它可以将多个帐户纳入一个帐户。

如何登录第二个Google帐户 (How to Sign Into a Second Google Account)

To begin, simply log in to your primary Google account (which is probably the Gmail address you use for your personal email). The interface was updated in May of 2017, but it’s still pretty straightforward. The sign-in page is, but going to any customized Google service will allow you to log in the same way.

首先,只需登录您的主要Google帐户(可能是您用于个人电子邮件的Gmail地址)。 该界面于2017年5月更新,但仍然非常简单。 登录页面为 ,但是转到任何自定义的Google服务将允许您以相同的方式登录。

Once you’re in, click on your account profile photo in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If you haven’t assigned a profile photo, this will be a circular icon with the first letter of your first name. From the menu that appears, click “add account.”

进入网站后,点击页面右上角的帐户个人资料照片。 如果您尚未分配个人资料照片,这将是一个带有您名字的首字母的圆形图标。 在显示的菜单中,单击“添加帐户”。

Now you’re back in the same login page, ready to log in with your secondary account. You can use any Gmail address, or if you’re using a custom domain with Google services to manage email and other tools, you can login with your customized email address.

现在,您又回到了同一登录页面,可以使用您的辅助帐户登录了。 您可以使用任何Gmail地址,或者如果您正在使用具有Google服务的自定义域来管理电子邮件和其他工具,则可以使用自定义的电子邮件地址登录。

You’re now logged in to both your primary and secondary accounts across all Google services. To switch between them without logging out, simply click your profile image again, then click the account you want to use. There’s no limit to the amount of accounts you can access simultaneously in this way.

现在,您已登录所有Google服务的主要帐户和辅助帐户。 要在两个帐户之间切换而不注销,只需再次单击您的个人资料图像,然后单击您要使用的帐户即可。 以这种方式可以同时访问的帐户数量没有限制。

如何从辅助帐户访问Google服务 (How to Access Google Services From a Secondary Account)

Without switching back to your primary account, go to a Google-branded website from the URL bar, like You’ll notice that Google has opened the interface from your default account, not the one you just added. The account system seems to reset you to the “default” primary mode whenever you go to a new Google site. It’s annoying, but understandable; Google is insisting that you specify your secondary account to avoid errors.

无需切换回您的主要帐户,请从URL栏中转到Google品牌的网站,例如 。 您会注意到Google已从您的默认帐户(而不是您刚刚添加的帐户)打开了界面。 每当您转到新的Google网站时,帐户系统似乎都会将您重置为“默认”主要模式。 这很烦人,但可以理解; Google坚持要求您指定辅助帐户,以避免出现错误。

To switch to your secondary account, just click your profile photo again, then select the account with which you want to view that page. The same Google page will open in a new tab, this time with your selected account active.

要切换到辅助帐户,只需再次单击您的个人资料照片,然后选择您要用来查看该页面的帐户即可。 相同的Google页面将在新标签页中打开,这一次您的所选帐户处于活动状态。

To save yourself some time, you can open new Google services with a direct link, too. While your secondary account is active on any Google page, click the “Apps” button in the upper right-hand corner (it’s the nine-dot grid).

为了节省时间,您也可以使用直接链接打开新的Google服务。 当您的辅助帐户在任何Google页面上都处于活动状态时,请单击右上角的“应用程序”按钮(这是九点网格)。

Then click the service you want to access with your active account, like Gmail or Drive. The service will open in another new tab, with your secondary account already logged in.

然后,单击您要使用您的活动帐户访问的服务,例如Gmail或云端硬盘。 该服务将在另一个新选项卡中打开,您的辅助帐户已经登录。

如何注销辅助帐户 (How to Log Out of a Secondary Account)

If you want to log out, just click your account picture, then “Sign out.” Easy.

如果要注销,只需单击您的帐户图片,然后单击“注销”。 简单。




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