
Google provides no way to automatically sync contacts between two different Google accounts. Instead, you’ll have to perform a manual two-step process where you export your contacts from one account to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, then import contacts from that file into your second account. Here’s how to get it done.

Google无法提供自动同步两个不同Google帐户之间的联系人的方法。 相反,您必须执行手动的两步过程,在该过程中,您将联系人从一个帐户导出到逗号分隔值(CSV)文件,然后将联系人从该文件导入第二个帐户。 这是完成任务的方法。

第一步:从您的第一个Google帐户导出联系人 (Step One: Export Contacts from Your First Google Account)

The first step in transferring your contacts is to export them from the account where they reside. Head to the Google Contacts page and sign in to the account with the contacts you want to transfer. Select the contacts you want to transfer or just click the select all button if you want to move everything.

转移联系人的第一步是从他们所在的帐户中导出他们。 转到Google通讯录页面,并使用您要转移的联系人登录帐户。 选择要转移的联系人,或者如果要移动所有内容,只需单击全选按钮。

Click the “More” button and then select “Export” from the drop-down menu that appears.


In the Export Contacts window, make sure that the right contacts are selected. You can choose between the contacts you had selected when you started the export, a specific group, or all contacts in the account. Select the “Google CSV format (for importing into a Google account)” option and then click Export.

在“导出联系人”窗口中,确保选择了正确的联系人。 您可以在开始导出时选择的联系人,特定组或帐户中的所有联系人之间进行选择。 选择“ Google CSV格式(用于导入到Google帐户)”选项,然后单击“导出”。

The CSV file will download to your default download location and will be named “Google Contacts.” Just to avoid confusion, we recommend moving the file to its own folder and renaming it something that makes sense to you.

CSV文件将下载到您的默认下载位置,并将命名为“ Google联系人”。 为了避免混淆,我们建议将文件移到其自己的文件夹中并重命名对您来说有意义的名称。

第二步:将联系人导入您的第二个Google帐户 (Step Two: Import Contacts into Your Second Google Account)

Now that you’ve got the exported file with your contacts, it’s time to import those contacts into your other Google account. So, head back to the Google Contacts page and sign in with your second account. Click the “More” button and choose the “Import” command from the drop-down menu that appears.

既然您已经有了联系人的导出文件,是时候将这些联系人导入您的其他Google帐户了。 因此,回到Google通讯录页面并使用您的第二个帐户登录。 单击“更多”按钮,然后从出现的下拉菜单中选择“导入”命令。

In the Import Contacts window, click the “Choose File” button, and then point it toward the file of exported contacts you created in the previous step.


And finally, click the “Import” button to import the saved contacts into your account.


The imported contacts will show up in your “My Contacts” list and you can also view just the imported contacts in a special group that’s named according to the date you did the importing.


And that’s all you have to do. Hopefully, given the apparent desire in their support forums, Google will at some point add the ability to automatically keep contacts from multiple accounts in sync. In the meantime, it’s pretty quick to just do an occasional export/import.

这就是您要做的。 希望,鉴于支持论坛中明显的需求,Google会在某个时候添加自动同步来自多个帐户的联系人的功能。 同时,偶尔执行导出/导入操作非常快。

If you really need to keep your Google accounts in sync, there are a few third-party options out there, but we couldn’t find anything free that worked well. FullContact is the most well-regarded and reliable service, allowing you to keep up to five accounts synced up, including Google, iCloud, Outlook, and Office 365 accounts. It does run $9.99/month, though (or $99.99 for a year), which is a pretty high price to pay if you’re just looking for a little convenience. But depending on how important syncing is to you, the price may be worth it.

如果您确实需要使Google帐户保持同步,则可以使用一些第三方选项,但是我们找不到任何可以正常使用的免费软件。 FullContact是最受好评和最可靠的服务,它使您最多可以同步五个帐户,包括Google,iCloud,Outlook和Office 365帐户。 不过,它的确每月运行$ 9.99(或每年$ 99.99),如果您只是想找一点方便的话,这是一个相当高的价格。 但是,取决于同步对您的重要性,价格可能值得。




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