


Some projects use post-releases to address minor errors in a final release that do not affect the distributed software (for example, correcting an error in the release notes).

If used as part of a project's development cycle, these post-releases are indicated by including a post-release segment in the version identifier:

X.Y.postN    # Post-release

A version identifier that includes a post-release segment without a developmental release segment is termed a "post-release".

The post-release segment consists of the string .post, followed by a non-negative integer value. Post-releases are ordered by their numerical component, immediately following the corresponding release, and ahead of any subsequent release.


The use of post-releases to publish maintenance releases containing actual bug fixes is strongly discouraged. In general, it is better to use a longer release number and increment the final component for each maintenance release.

Post-releases are also permitted for pre-releases:

X.YaN.postM # Post-release of an alpha release

X.YbN.postM # Post-release of a beta release

X.YrcN.postM # Post-release of a release candidate


Creating post-releases of pre-releases is strongly discouraged, as it makes the version identifier difficult to parse for human readers. In general, it is substantially clearer to simply create a new pre-release by incrementing the numeric component.

简单来说,就是使用post-releases解决最终release版本的一些小错误,而这些小错误并不影响distributed software


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