
Uber has promised to zero out its carbon emissions by 2040 and claims that 100% of rides will happen in electric vehicles within the next decade in cities within the U.S., Canada, and Europe. On Tuesday, the ride-hailing company announced these commitments in a “green recovery” initiative that also indicates the company is considering its future in a world less dependent on cars, something many cities have glimpsed over the past few months during the global pandemic. In June, Lyft likewise announced it would transition to a fleet of entirely electric vehicles by 2030.

优步已承诺到2040年将其碳排放量清零,并声称在未来十年内,美国,加拿大和欧洲的城市中100%的乘车将发生在电动汽车中。 周二,这家乘车公司在“ 绿色复苏 ”倡议中宣布了这些承诺,这也表明该公司正在考虑在一个更少依赖汽车的世界中发展自己的未来,这是过去几个月来全球大流行中许多城市所瞥见的事情。 Lyft同样在6月宣布 ,到2030年将过渡到全电动汽车。

The pledge comes as Uber is reeling from losses due to the effects of Covid-19 on its ride-hailing business. This, in addition to long-standing European and Canadian efforts to abolish traditional cars in favor of electric ones, likely galvanized Uber’s plan to become a carbon neutral company, the Verge noted.

该PL e的DGE之际, 尤伯杯从缫丝损失由于Covid-19在其乘驾欢呼业务的影响。 Verge指出 , 这不仅是欧洲和加拿大为废除传统汽车而改用电动汽车的长期努力,还可能刺激了Uber成为碳中和公司的计划。

The timing of the report coincides with real-world pilots of car-free urban centers where people can walk, exercise, and safely socialize throughout the pandemic. Over the summer, parts of Milan, Italy will be reconstructed to better accommodate bikers and pedestrians in what has been called a blueprint for an auto-free life after the virus. Even notoriously congested cities like New York and San Francisco have experimented with this model, providing tangible hope for a car-free revolution. It’s too early to tell what Uber’s future would look like in these scenarios, but it appears the company is positioning itself as greener and more environmentally friendly, and thus more compatible with movements to radically reduce carbon emissions.

该报告的发布时间与无人驾驶汽车城市中心的现实飞行员相吻合,在这里,人们可以步行,锻炼和在整个大流行中安全地进行社交活动。 在夏季, 将对意大利米兰的部分地区进行重建,以更好地容纳骑自行车的人和行人, 这就是所谓的蓝图 。 甚至臭名昭著的拥挤城市如纽约和旧金山也尝试了这种模式,为无车革命提供了切实的希望 。 现在说出Uber在这种情况下的未来还为时过早,但是该公司似乎将自己定位为更绿色,更环保,从而与从根本上减少碳排放的运动更加兼容。

The timing of the report coincides with real-world pilots of car-free urban centers where people can walk, exercise, and safely socialize throughout the pandemic


In tandem with its green recovery plan, Uber also released an internally produced climate impact report on Tuesday, “making Uber the only ride-share company and one of the first companies more broadly to measure and report on emissions from customers’ real-world use of its products,” it said.

与绿色恢复计划相结合,Uber在周二还发布了一份内部产生的气候影响报告 ,“使Uber成为唯一的乘车共享公司,也是首批更广泛地测量和报告客户实际使用排放量的公司之一。产品”,它说。

The report uses Uber’s own data, collected between 2017 and 2019, as well as state and federal benchmarks, to determine that Uber trips are less carbon intensive than single-occupancy rides but still more polluting than average household vehicles due to deadheading, or the miles clocked by drivers without any passengers. Outside studies of the ride-hailing industry’s carbon footprint drew similar conclusions; a 2020 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that fleets like Uber’s produce “69% more pollution than the transportation choices it displaces … [and are] likely even worse in downtown areas, where riders are more likely to choose on-demand rides in lieu of cleaner modes of mobility,” Bloomberg CityLab reported.

该报告使用Uber自己的数据(2017年至2019年)以及州和联邦基准数据确定,Uber出行的碳排放强度低于单人乘车,但由于无人驾驶或行驶里程而造成的污染仍高于普通家用车辆由没有任何乘客的驾驶员计时。 乘车行业的碳足迹的外部研究得出了类似的结论。 关心科学家联盟2020年的一份报告发现,像Uber这样的车队产生的污染“比它所取代的运输选择多69%……[并且]在市区更为严重,那里的骑手更有可能选择按需乘车。替代性的清洁方式,” 彭博社报道CityLab

Uber says it needs to “Increase vehicle utilization” to account for these extra emissions, but it’s also saddling customers and drivers with the cost of going fully electric. (The company is committing $800 million to transition thousands of cars to EVs by 2025, which includes “Green Trip” fees paid by riders, according to Reuters.) Now, riders in more than a dozen U.S. and Canadian cities have the option to hail an EV or Green Trip for a $1 surcharge ($0.50 of which goes directly to drivers). It’s unclear how many riders will be willing to select this option, since it could also mean waiting longer for rides and changing their behavior when it comes to using the platform. Meanwhile, drivers operating EVs and hybrids will earn $1.50 more ($0.50 from customers and $1 from Uber) per ride for every Green Trip in the U.S. and Canada.

优步表示,需要“提高车辆利用率”以解决这些额外的排放问题,但同时也使全电动汽车的成本让客户和驾驶员感到困惑。 ( 据路透社报道 ,该公司承诺投资8亿美元,在2025年之前将数千辆汽车转换为电动汽车,其中包括车手支付的“绿色旅行”费用。)现在,美国和加拿大十几个城市的车手可以选择冰雹EV或Green Trip,需支付1美元的附加费(其中0.50美元直接归司机)。 目前尚不清楚有多少车手愿意选择此选项,因为这还意味着要等待更长的时间,并在使用平台时改变其行为。 同时,在美国和加拿大,每一次“绿色之旅”,驾驶电动汽车和混合动力汽车的司机每次乘车将多赚取1.50美元(来自客户的收益为0.50美元,来自Uber的收益为1美元)。

Uber trips are less carbon intensive than single-occupancy rides but still more polluting than average household vehicles due to deadheading, or the miles clocked by drivers without any passengers.


Uber is also partnering with carmakers GM and Renault-Nissan “to extend attractive offers on electric vehicles to drivers,” and is working with Avis to “make it easier” for U.S. drivers to rent EVs.


While these measures may seem appealing to some drivers, an additional $1.50 per ride is unlikely to offset the price of purchasing an entirely new car. And by having customers and partners subsidize these costs, Uber is once again externalizing its biggest challenges.

尽管这些措施似乎对某些驾驶员有吸引力,但每次乘车额外收取$ 1.50的费用不太可能抵消购买全新汽车的价格。 通过让客户和合作伙伴补贴这些成本,Uber再次外部化了其最大的挑战。

The company claims it will “drive a green recovery in our cities,” and once even argued that its business model would decrease the number of cars on the road. But as Uber established itself as a permanent fixture, arguably at the cost of public transportation, its effect on emissions has become decidedly additive. Last year, Uber and Lyft acknowledged they were making traffic worse, and have become some of the largest contributors to gridlock in cities like San Francisco.

该公司声称将“推动我们城市的绿色复苏”, 甚至曾经声称其商业模式将减少道路上的汽车数量。 但是,随着Uber成为永久性的固定装置, 可以说是以公共交通为代价 ,它对排放的影响已经确定地增加了。 去年,Uber和Lyft承认他们使交通状况恶化 ,并且已成为旧金山等城市僵局的最大贡献者 。

It remains to be seen how this push will shake out in California, where Uber is seeking to undermine Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), a landmark labor law requiring Uber to reclassify its drivers as employees. Uber’s green recovery plan asks for a “more robust collaboration between industry and government stakeholders,” and California has some of the most aggressive emissions vehicle standards in the nation. Earlier this month, after Uber and Lyft threatened to cease operations in the state so as not to comply with law, the companies were given a temporary reprieve to continue operations until a November vote on AB5.

有待观察,这一推动将如何在加利福尼亚州彻底消除,Uber试图破坏加利福尼亚的第5号法案(AB5),这是一项具有里程碑意义的劳工法,要求Uber将其司机重新分类为雇员。 优步(Uber)的绿色复苏计划要求“行业和政府利益相关者之间进行更强有力的合作”,加利福尼亚州拥有美国最先进的排放车辆标准。 本月初,在优步和Lyft威胁要在该州停止运营以不遵守法律规定之后,这两家公司被暂时搁置 ,直到11月对AB5投票为止。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/uber-is-preparing-for-a-greener-business-after-the-pandemic-c3b93526058e




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