
If you’re planning on being somewhere at a specific time and need to arrange transportation to get there, Uber allows you to schedule rides in advance so that you don’t have to do it when the time actually comes.


Keep in mind, though, that scheduling an Uber ride in advance doesn’t actually guarantee you’ll get a ride. If you schedule a ride a week in advance, Uber drivers don’t see your request until right when you need the ride—it still shows up as a normal request to nearby Uber drivers.

不过请记住,提前安排Uber乘车实际上并不能保证您会乘车。 如果您提前一周安排行程,那么Uber驾驶员直到您需要乘车时才会看到您的请求-对于附近的Uber驾驶员,该请求仍会作为常规请求显示。

This means that if it’s really busy out, you still may not get a ride as quickly as you probably expected. Or if it’s an off-peak time, you still might be hard-pressed to find an Uber driver out on the roads.

这意味着,如果真的很忙,您可能仍无法像预期的那样快地骑车。 或者,如果这是非高峰时间,您可能仍然很难在路上找到Uber司机。

In other words, it doesn’t work like restaurant reservations—you don’t get to skip the long line at the hostess desk just because you scheduled a reservation in advance. Instead, the Uber app just sends out a normal request for a ride at the time you specified.

换句话说,它不像餐厅预订那样起作用—您不必因为事先安排了预订就跳过女招待台上的长排队。 相反,Uber应用程序只是在您指定的时间发出正常的乘车请求。

The good news is that when the app does send out your request at the scheduled time, it spends up to 15 minutes constantly requesting a ride automatically if there’s not an Uber driver currently looking for fares. In bigger cities this usually isn’t a problem anyway, but in smaller cities where there may not be a lot of demand, Uber drivers can be hard to come by at certain hours during the day. In these instances, the Uber scheduling feature will keep trying for you.

好消息是,当该应用确实在预定时间发出您的请求时,如果当前没有Uber司机在寻找票价,它会花费多达15分钟的时间不断自动请求乘车。 无论如何,在大城市这通常都不是问题,但是在需求不多的小城市中,Uber司机一天中的某些时段可能很难到达。 在这些情况下,Uber计划功能将继续为您服务。

Start off by opening up the Uber app on your phone and tapping the icon with a car and a clock to the right of the “Where to?” box.

首先,打开手机上的Uber应用,然后在“去哪儿”右侧的汽车和时钟上点击该图标。 框。

Select the date and time when you want to schedule your ride. Take note that it will automatically add 15 minutes to the time you select. This 15-minute window is the  period where Uber will continuously request for a ride if it can’t find one right away (as discussed above).

选择要安排行程的日期和时间。 请注意,它将自动为您选择的时间增加15分钟。 在15分钟的窗口内,Uber会在无法立即找到乘车人的情况下不断要求乘车(如上所述)。

After you’ve selected a date and time, tap the “Set Pickup Time” button at the bottom. On Android, it’s the “Set Pickup Window” button.

选择日期和时间后,点击底部的“设置接送时间”按钮。 在Android上,它是“设置取件窗口”按钮。

Now it’s time to set the destination, and you can do that in a couple of ways. The first way is by tapping on “Where to?” and entering in a place or address manually. You can also select a predetermined location listed below that.

现在是时候设置目的地了,您可以通过两种方式来实现。 第一种方法是点击“去哪里?” 并手动输入地点或地址。 您也可以选择下面列出的预定位置。

The second way is by finding the destination on the map, and then using the pin to determine the location. Do this by swiping down in the middle of the screen.

第二种方法是在地图上找到目的地,然后使用图钉确定位置。 向下滑动屏幕中间即可做到这一点。

From there, drag the map around until the pin is placed on the location of your destination. When you’ve got your destination set, hit the “Done” button at the bottom.

从那里拖动地图,直到将图钉放置在目的地位置。 设置好目的地后,点击底部的“完成”按钮。

When that’s finalized, tap the “Schedule UberX” button at the bottom. On this screen, also take note of the estimated cost and the payment method the app will use. This is important because Uber scheduling currently doesn’t support Apple Pay—you have to use a debit or credit card instead.

完成后,点击底部的“ Schedule UberX”按钮。 在此屏幕上,还请注意应用程序将使用的估计费用和付款方式。 这很重要,因为Uber计划目前不支持Apple Pay,而您必须使用借记卡或信用卡。

After your ride is scheduled, Uber will automatically request a ride for you starting at the time you specified.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325972/how-to-schedule-an-uber-ride-for-the-future/



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