SpringBoot 中的事务处理




SpringBoot事务机制实质上就是Spring的事务机制,是采用统一的机制处理来自不同数据访问技术的事务处理,提供了一个接口 PlatformTransactionManager,已经为不同数据访问技术可以进行不同的实现,如下表。

数据访问技术 实现类
JDBC DataSourceTransactionManager
JPA JpaTransactionManager
Hibernate HibernateTransactionManager
JDO JdoTransactionManager
分布式事务 JtaTransactionManager



  1. /*

  2. * Copyright 2002-2012 the original author or authors.

  3. *

  4. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  5. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

  6. * You may obtain a copy of the License at

  7. *

  8. * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

  9. *

  10. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  11. * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

  12. * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

  13. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  14. * limitations under the License.

  15. */

  16. package org.springframework.transaction;

  17. import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

  18. /**

  19. * This is the central interface in Spring's transaction infrastructure.

  20. * Applications can use this directly, but it is not primarily meant as API:

  21. * Typically, applications will work with either TransactionTemplate or

  22. * declarative transaction demarcation through AOP.

  23. *

  24. * <p>For implementors, it is recommended to derive from the provided

  25. * {@link org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager}

  26. * class, which pre-implements the defined propagation behavior and takes care

  27. * of transaction synchronization handling. Subclasses have to implement

  28. * template methods for specific states of the underlying transaction,

  29. * for example: begin, suspend, resume, commit.

  30. *

  31. * <p>The default implementations of this strategy interface are

  32. * {@link org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager} and

  33. * {@link org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager},

  34. * which can serve as an implementation guide for other transaction strategies.

  35. *

  36. * @author Rod Johnson

  37. * @author Juergen Hoeller

  38. * @since 16.05.2003

  39. * @see org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate

  40. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor

  41. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean

  42. */

  43. public interface PlatformTransactionManager {

  44. /**

  45. * Return a currently active transaction or create a new one, according to

  46. * the specified propagation behavior.

  47. * <p>Note that parameters like isolation level or timeout will only be applied

  48. * to new transactions, and thus be ignored when participating in active ones.

  49. * <p>Furthermore, not all transaction definition settings will be supported

  50. * by every transaction manager: A proper transaction manager implementation

  51. * should throw an exception when unsupported settings are encountered.

  52. * <p>An exception to the above rule is the read-only flag, which should be

  53. * ignored if no explicit read-only mode is supported. Essentially, the

  54. * read-only flag is just a hint for potential optimization.

  55. * @param definition TransactionDefinition instance (can be {@code null} for defaults),

  56. * describing propagation behavior, isolation level, timeout etc.

  57. * @return transaction status object representing the new or current transaction

  58. * @throws TransactionException in case of lookup, creation, or system errors

  59. * @throws IllegalTransactionStateException if the given transaction definition

  60. * cannot be executed (for example, if a currently active transaction is in

  61. * conflict with the specified propagation behavior)

  62. * @see TransactionDefinition#getPropagationBehavior

  63. * @see TransactionDefinition#getIsolationLevel

  64. * @see TransactionDefinition#getTimeout

  65. * @see TransactionDefinition#isReadOnly

  66. */

  67. TransactionStatus getTransaction(@Nullable TransactionDefinition definition) throws TransactionException;

  68. /**

  69. * Commit the given transaction, with regard to its status. If the transaction

  70. * has been marked rollback-only programmatically, perform a rollback.

  71. * <p>If the transaction wasn't a new one, omit the commit for proper

  72. * participation in the surrounding transaction. If a previous transaction

  73. * has been suspended to be able to create a new one, resume the previous

  74. * transaction after committing the new one.

  75. * <p>Note that when the commit call completes, no matter if normally or

  76. * throwing an exception, the transaction must be fully completed and

  77. * cleaned up. No rollback call should be expected in such a case.

  78. * <p>If this method throws an exception other than a TransactionException,

  79. * then some before-commit error caused the commit attempt to fail. For

  80. * example, an O/R Mapping tool might have tried to flush changes to the

  81. * database right before commit, with the resulting DataAccessException

  82. * causing the transaction to fail. The original exception will be

  83. * propagated to the caller of this commit method in such a case.

  84. * @param status object returned by the {@code getTransaction} method

  85. * @throws UnexpectedRollbackException in case of an unexpected rollback

  86. * that the transaction coordinator initiated

  87. * @throws HeuristicCompletionException in case of a transaction failure

  88. * caused by a heuristic decision on the side of the transaction coordinator

  89. * @throws TransactionSystemException in case of commit or system errors

  90. * (typically caused by fundamental resource failures)

  91. * @throws IllegalTransactionStateException if the given transaction

  92. * is already completed (that is, committed or rolled back)

  93. * @see TransactionStatus#setRollbackOnly

  94. */

  95. void commit(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException;

  96. /**

  97. * Perform a rollback of the given transaction.

  98. * <p>If the transaction wasn't a new one, just set it rollback-only for proper

  99. * participation in the surrounding transaction. If a previous transaction

  100. * has been suspended to be able to create a new one, resume the previous

  101. * transaction after rolling back the new one.

  102. * <p><b>Do not call rollback on a transaction if commit threw an exception.</b>

  103. * The transaction will already have been completed and cleaned up when commit

  104. * returns, even in case of a commit exception. Consequently, a rollback call

  105. * after commit failure will lead to an IllegalTransactionStateException.

  106. * @param status object returned by the {@code getTransaction} method

  107. * @throws TransactionSystemException in case of rollback or system errors

  108. * (typically caused by fundamental resource failures)

  109. * @throws IllegalTransactionStateException if the given transaction

  110. * is already completed (that is, committed or rolled back)

  111. */

  112. void rollback(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException;

  113. }




  1. @Transactional

  2. public void insertUser(User user) {

  3. //数据库表的操作

  4. ……

  5. }






  1. package org.springframework.transaction.annotation;

  2. import java.lang.annotation.Documented;

  3. import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;

  4. import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;

  5. import java.lang.annotation.Retention;

  6. import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

  7. import java.lang.annotation.Target;

  8. import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor;

  9. import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;

  10. @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})

  11. @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)

  12. @Inherited

  13. @Documented

  14. public @interface Transactional {

  15. @AliasFor("transactionManager")

  16. String value() default "";

  17. @AliasFor("value")

  18. String transactionManager() default "";

  19. Propagation propagation() default Propagation.REQUIRED;

  20. Isolation isolation() default Isolation.DEFAULT;

  21. int timeout() default TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;

  22. boolean readOnly() default false;

  23. Class<? extends Throwable>[] rollbackFor() default {};

  24. String[] rollbackForClassName() default {};

  25. Class<? extends Throwable>[] noRollbackFor() default {};

  26. String[] noRollbackForClassName() default {};

  27. }


属性 类型 描述
value String 可选的限定描述符,指定使用的事务管理器
propagation enum: Propagation 定义事务的生命周期,有REQUIRED、SUPPORTS、MANDATORY、REQUIRES_NEW、NOT_SUPPORTED、NEVER、NESTED,详细含义可查阅枚举类org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation源码。
isolation enum: Isolation 可选的事务隔离级别设置,决定了事务的完整性
readOnly boolean 读写或只读事务,默认读写
timeout int (in seconds granularity) 事务超时时间设置
rollbackFor Class对象数组,必须继承自Throwable 导致事务回滚的异常类数组
rollbackForClassName 类名数组,必须继承自Throwable 导致事务回滚的异常类名字数组
noRollbackFor Class对象数组,必须继承自Throwable 不会导致事务回滚的异常类数组
noRollbackForClassName 类名数组,必须继承自Throwable 不会导致事务回滚的异常类名字数组


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