1.2 计算机常用的输入输出设备(国外英文资料)

1.2 计算机常用的输入输出设备(国外英文资料)

A common input/output device for a computer

(1) keyboard.

The key on the computer keyboard is ISO2530 and national standard GB2787. Each key on the keyboard has a key switch. Key switch machine with contacts, capacitive, diaphragm, etc, its function is to detect the user's keystrokes, converts the mechanical displacement into electrical signals, the input to the computer.

(2) the mouse.

A mouse is an input device that controls the position of the cursor on the display screen. In Windows software, made computer operation is very simple: use a mouse on the desktop or slab of dedicated mobile mouse, move the cursor on the screen, select the prompt on the screen of a command or function, and press the button on the mouse was finished for the operation. There is one, two or three buttons on the mouse, and each button has a different function in different application environments.

In accordance with the sensor technology adopted, raters can be divided into three types: mechanical, photoelectric and mechanical.

Mechanical have a ball at the bottom of the mouse, pass the ball rolling inside two disc movement, through the encoder input motion direction and distance of the signal into the computer.

The photoelectric mouse USES a photoelectric sensor, which is not a sphere at the bottom, but a component of a photovoltaic element and light source. When it moves on a dedicated flat panel with a bright and dark square, the photoelectric sensor receives the reflected signal and measures the direction and distance of the motion.

Mechanical photoelectric mouse is the combination of these two structures. It has a round ball at the bottom, but it is not a mechanical coding disk but an optical codec, which eliminates mechanical wear and does not require a dedicated tablet.

(3) display.

A computer output device consisting of a monitor (monitor) and a display adapter (display adapter) and the relevant circuitry and software to display data, graphics, and images.

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