

The main content: c + + is only half object-oriented, while JAVA is all object-oriented and it is also a lot of security concerns than c + +

As is known to all, c + + and Java is the object-oriented language, two kinds of mainstream to compare the merits of the two languages, everyone has their own different views, comparing the c + + is the consensus of opinion is compiled high-level language and Java is interpreted, so quick c + + and Java, good compatibility, c + + is suitable for expressing the underlying control and Java network programming. Anyway, what's certain is two languages will coexist in a long time, this requires that we are proficient in both the first and at the same time, to another should also be clear at least grasp of its frame structure. Because Java is a derivative of c + +, so the two languages on the basic syntax and concepts have many similarities, but there are some noticeable differences between them, this article attempts through the comparison among them some of the differences on the basic concept of object oriented, to talk about the characteristics of both.

The most basic difference -- Java is a completely object-oriented language

Objects in the object oriented technology is a specific entity in the real world in the computer in the logical mapping and reflected, and the class is the same set of objects and abstract. All Java programs are made up of classes or definitions of classes. We should keep this in mind throughout our learning process, because it means that Java is a completely object-oriented language. Everything in Java must be placed in a class. There is no global function, global data, no structure, enumeration, or combination of things, all just "classes"!

However, c + + is different, for example, the main method of c + + is placed outside of all classes, and other functions can be defined outside of the class. In C + +, the concepts of global variables, structures, enumeration, federation, and other col


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