

11 "computer culture foundation" online assignment 1

(10 questions, 50 points.)

The main logic element of the fourth generation computer is ().

A. the transistor

B. small integrated circuits

C. tube

D. large scale and large scale integrated circuits

Correct answer: D

Using computers to imitate advanced thought activities, such as intelligent robots and expert systems, should be used in computer applications ().

A. scientific calculation

Data processing

Automatic control

Artificial intelligence

Correct answer: D

The smallest number in the following set of Numbers is ().

A. 227 d

B. 1 FFH

C. 101001 b

D. 1789 h

Correct answer: C

The arithmetic result of the decimal number 2 + 8 + 7 is expressed in binary Numbers ().

11010 A.

11111 B.

10001 C.

11110 D.

Correct answer: C

When an application window is minimized, the application will ().

A. the execution of A

B. it's not closed

C. can't open the window again

D. shut down

Correct answer: B

Windows XP is ().

A. Single-user single-task system

A single user multitasking system

C. multi-user multitasking system

D. multi-user single-task system

Correct answer: C

In Windows XP, the () operation can exit the "writing board".

Click the "minimize" button in the upper right corner of the "clipboard" window

Click the "close" button in the upper right corner of the "clipboard" window

Click the "maximize" button in the upper right corner of the "clipboard" window

Double click the title bar of the "SLATE" window

Correct answer: B

The hardware of the computer consists mainly of: CPU, memory, controller, input device and ().

A. the keyboard

B. the mouse

C. the monitor

Output device

Correct answer: D

In Windows XP, generally speaking, when there are multiple Word Windows on the desktop, ().

A. you can have multiple Windows that are currently in the window

B. Only a fixed window is the current window and the window cannot move

The window that is covered by other Windows is the current window

D. a different windo


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