

Online free consultation telephone complaints online registration online message recommended online submission in the digital radiography in summary WWW.CHINA- B.C0M 2009 04 Aasperon school 28 July to source: the Internet a: Keywords computer radiography Abstract This paper discusses the digital radiography technology currently being developed and several have been used, and were briefly introduce the digital radiography technology -

Keywords computed radiography

Abstract this paper discusses several digital radiography techniques already in use and are being developed, and briefly introduces the working principle and new progress of these digital radiography techniques.

Keywords digital radiography; computed radiography; flat panel detector; line scan imaging; mammography;

When we drove the train times on the information superhighway to twenty-first Century, ushered in the digital revolution, but also by the Dongfeng medical imaging technology has undergone a fundamental change, medical X-ray digital imaging technology is developing rapidly, which provides a good opportunity for digital image diagnostic radiology and digital hospital. There are two main types of medical X-ray digital imaging technology, direct digital radiography and indirect digital radiography (1, 2). The imaging technology of them have a common characteristic, is with the help of absorption differences of human tissue and organs of X-ray, by detecting the human body will penetrate reststrahlen simulation information becomes a digital signal, let the human tissue and organs into images by computer. All of them are based on computer and digitize the acquired image information so that they can process the image information according to the requirement of people. It can provide radiologists with high-quality diagnostic X-ray images. With the rapid development of computer, new technology and new materials, digital radiography technology has made great progress both in the materials of

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