

The future of computers

Guo youmin of Peking University press

The 1994-10-07

In the past, however, traditional computers were mostly electronic computers. Practice has proved that the computer because of many factors limit, its operation speed could not have unlimited access to improve, to be on the basis of the electronic computer to implement the intelligent of the computer is almost impossible. As a result, scientists have to move beyond the structural patterns of traditional electronic computers to find new ways to develop new computers. This article introduces several new kinds of computers in development in developed countries.

A light computer

Optical computers are also called optical computers. It is with the optoelectronic integrated circuit (that is, by the optical devices and integration of new electronic components, mainly composed of laser, optical fiber, and switches, etc) instead of the traditional electrical integrated circuit made of the computer. It works not by using electrons, but by using the photon beam to process information and stored procedures. Because the speed of light is greater than the speed of electron transmission, the speed of the operation can be greatly improved. It is also used in parallel transport by optical computers, so the amount of information transferred is greatly improved. In addition, the light space transmission of parallelism is good, so the light does not need wiring in the computer, it simplifies the process, and avoids in the electronic computer due to electromagnetic interference between adjacent wiring. In technology, optical computers can be regarded as a combination of digital and analog systems.

In short, the optical computer can be much faster than the computer. Scientists estimate that the ability to process signals will be thousands of times more powerful than electronic computers. This kind of computer can have the associative ability of human brain type and self-study ability. This complex assoc


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