


A Graphic that is capable of being masked out.







public class FunctionalGraphBase
{/// <summary>/// 是否显示X轴/// </summary>public bool ShowXAxis = true;/// <summary>/// 是否显示Y轴/// </summary>public bool ShowYAxis = true;/// <summary>/// 是否显示刻度/// </summary>public bool ShowScale = false;/// <summary>/// 是否显示XY轴单位/// </summary>public bool ShowXYAxisUnit = true;/// <summary>/// X轴单位/// </summary>public string XAxisUnit = "X";/// <summary>/// Y轴单位/// </summary>public string YAxisUnit = "Y";/// <summary>/// XY轴刻度/// </summary>[Range(0.1f,100f)]public float XYAxisScale = 50f;/// <summary>/// XY轴宽度/// </summary>[Range(0.1f , 100f)]public float XYAxisWidth = 5.0f;/// <summary>/// XY轴颜色/// </summary>public Color XYAxisColor = Color.gray;/// <summary>/// 是否显示XY轴的箭头/// </summary>public bool ShowXYAxisArrow = true;/// <summary>/// 箭头尺寸/// </summary>public float ArrowSzie = 3.0f;

2.1 定义一个函数公式类型,Func委托是可以输出零到多个参数,并必须有一个返回值的委托类型,第一个float代表输入x值,返回值代表y值


Mathf.Sin : y = Mathf.Sin(x);
Mathf.Cos : y = Mathf.Cos(x);
直线函数 : y = 2*x + 3;

2.2 类型中定义改函数图的另外两个属性,一个是线条颜色,一个是线条宽度

public class FunctionFormula
{/// <summary>/// 函数表达式/// </summary>public Func<float,float> Formula;/// <summary>/// 函数图对应线条颜色/// </summary>public Color FormulaColor;public float FormulaWidth;public FunctionFormula(){}public FunctionFormula( Func<float , float> formula ,Color formulaColor ,float width ){Formula = formula;FormulaColor = formulaColor;FormulaWidth = width;}


public class FunctionalGraph : MaskableGraphic
{public FunctionalGraphBase GraphBase = new FunctionalGraphBase();public List<FunctionFormula> Formulas = new List<FunctionFormula>();private RectTransform _myRect;/// <summary>/// 初始化函数信息,添加了五个函数公式/// </summary>private void Init(){_myRect = this.rectTransform;Formulas.Add(new FunctionFormula(Mathf.Sin , Color.red , 3.0f));Formulas.Add(new FunctionFormula(Mathf.Cos , Color.green , 2.0f));Formulas.Add(new FunctionFormula(Mathf.Sign , Color.blue , 2.0f));Formulas.Add(new FunctionFormula(Mathf.Sqrt , Color.magenta , 2.0f));Formulas.Add(new FunctionFormula(xValue => xValue * 1.3f + 1 , Color.yellow , 2.0f));}/// <summary>/// 重写这个类以绘制UI,首先初始化数据和清空已有的顶点数据/// </summary>/// <param name="vh"></param>protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh){Init();vh.Clear();#region 基础框架的绘制//绘制X轴,获取X轴左右两个顶点,绘制一个矩形if (GraphBase.ShowXAxis){float lenght = _myRect.sizeDelta.x;Vector2 leftPoint = new Vector2(-lenght / 2.0f , 0);Vector2 rightPoint = new Vector2(lenght / 2.0f , 0);vh.AddUIVertexQuad(GetQuad(leftPoint , rightPoint , GraphBase.XYAxisColor , GraphBase.XYAxisWidth));// 绘制X轴的箭头// 箭头的绘制和矩形一样,只要传入四个顶点即可,见三角形的绘制详解图利用ABCD四个点绘制if (GraphBase.ShowXYAxisArrow){float arrowUnit = GraphBase.ArrowSzie / 2.0f;Vector2 firstPoint = rightPoint + new Vector2(0 , arrowUnit);Vector2 secondPoint = rightPoint;Vector2 thirdPoint = rightPoint + new Vector2(0 , -arrowUnit);Vector2 fourPoint = rightPoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3)* arrowUnit , 0);vh.AddUIVertexQuad(GetQuad(firstPoint,secondPoint,thirdPoint,fourPoint,GraphBase.XYAxisColor));}}//绘制Y轴,获取Y轴上下两个顶点,绘制一个矩形if (GraphBase.ShowYAxis){float height = _myRect.sizeDelta.y;Vector2 downPoint = new Vector2(0 , -height / 2.0f);Vector2 upPoint = new Vector2(0 , height / 2.0f);vh.AddUIVertexQuad(GetQuad(downPoint , upPoint , GraphBase.XYAxisColor , GraphBase.XYAxisWidth));// 绘制Y轴的箭头if ( GraphBase.ShowXYAxisArrow ){float arrowUnit = GraphBase.ArrowSzie / 2.0f;Vector2 firstPoint = upPoint + new Vector2(arrowUnit , 0);Vector2 secondPoint = upPoint;Vector2 thirdPoint = upPoint + new Vector2(-arrowUnit , 0);Vector2 fourPoint = upPoint + new Vector2(0 , Mathf.Sqrt(3) * arrowUnit);vh.AddUIVertexQuad(GetQuad(firstPoint , secondPoint , thirdPoint , fourPoint , GraphBase.XYAxisColor));}}#endregion#region 函数图的绘制//遍历函数公式,然后每隔一次像素绘制一个矩形foreach ( var functionFormula in Formulas ){Vector2 startPos = GetFormulaPoint(functionFormula.Formula , -_myRect.sizeDelta.x / 2.0f );//从X轴的负方向轴开始向正方向轴绘制for ( float x = -_myRect.sizeDelta.x / 2.0f + 1 ; x < _myRect.sizeDelta.x / 2.0f ; x++ ){Vector2 endPos = GetFormulaPoint(functionFormula.Formula , x );vh.AddUIVertexQuad(GetQuad(startPos , endPos , functionFormula.FormulaColor , functionFormula.FormulaWidth));//这里把当前绘制的结束点设置为下一次绘制的起始点startPos = endPos;}}#endregion}//通过两个端点绘制矩形private UIVertex[] GetQuad( Vector2 startPos , Vector2 endPos , Color color0 , float lineWidth = 2.0f ){float dis = Vector2.Distance(startPos , endPos);float y = lineWidth * 0.5f * ( endPos.x - startPos.x ) / dis;float x = lineWidth * 0.5f * ( endPos.y - startPos.y ) / dis;if ( y <= 0 ) y = -y;else x = -x;UIVertex[] vertex = new UIVertex[4];vertex[0].position = new Vector3(startPos.x + x , startPos.y + y);vertex[1].position = new Vector3(endPos.x + x , endPos.y + y);vertex[2].position = new Vector3(endPos.x - x , endPos.y - y);vertex[3].position = new Vector3(startPos.x - x , startPos.y - y);for ( int i = 0 ; i < vertex.Length ; i++ ) vertex[i].color = color0;return vertex;}//通过四个顶点绘制矩形private UIVertex[] GetQuad( Vector2 first , Vector2 second , Vector2 third , Vector2 four , Color color0 ){UIVertex[] vertexs = new UIVertex[4];vertexs[0] = GetUIVertex(first , color0);vertexs[1] = GetUIVertex(second , color0);vertexs[2] = GetUIVertex(third , color0);vertexs[3] = GetUIVertex(four , color0);return vertexs;}//构造UIVertexprivate UIVertex GetUIVertex( Vector2 point , Color color0 ){UIVertex vertex = new UIVertex{position = point ,color = color0 ,uv0 = new Vector2(0 , 0)};return vertex;}//利用Func委托,计算出每一个绘制点private Vector2 GetFormulaPoint( Func<float , float> formula ,float xValue ){return new Vector2(xValue , formula(xValue / GraphBase.XYAxisScale) *50 );}




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