ogm 算法

So you’ve got a bunch of .OGM video files and they won’t play in Windows Vista… relax, you just need to install the right codecs in order to play them from within Windows Media Player.

因此,您有一堆.OGM视频文件,它们将无法在Windows Vista中播放……放松,您只需要安装正确的编解码器即可在Windows Media Player中播放它们。

This is where the Combined Community Codec Pack comes into the picture. All you need to do is download and install, although for best results you might want to read on.

这是组合社区编解码器包出现的地方。 您所需要做的就是下载并安装,尽管为获得最佳效果,您可能需要继续阅读。

Launch the setup process, and you should come to the “Select Components” dialog.


Here’s where you want to uncheck Windows Media 9, as well as remove the checkboxes for the two items under “Players”. We’re trying to play this under WMP11, afterall.

在这里,您要取消选中Windows Media 9,并删除“播放器”下两个项目的复选框。 毕竟,我们正在尝试在WMP11下播放。

Hit next, and you’ll come to a screen where you can choose the file types you want to use the Haali Media Splitter for. This is the component that actually will help you play your OGM files.

单击下一步,您将进入一个屏幕,您可以在其中选择要使用Haali Media Splitter的文件类型。 这是实际上可以帮助您播放OGM文件的组件。

Just installing the codec pack doesn’t set OGM files to Windows Media Player though. You need to double-click on your video file, select to pick from a list of installed programs, and then select Windows Media Player in the list. Make sure you’ve checked the option to always play in WMP.

但是,仅安装编解码器包不会将OGM文件设置为Windows Media Player。 您需要双击视频文件,从已安装的程序列表中进行选择,然后在列表中选择Windows Media Player。 确保已选中始终在WMP中播放的选项。

And there we are… OGM files playing in Windows Media Player.

我们这里有……在Windows Media Player中播放的OGM文件。

Download Combined Community Codec Pack


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/how-to-play-ogm-video-files-in-windows-vista/

ogm 算法

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