
Your kids are the most important people in the world to you, and the Internet is a scary place that requires constant vigilance. Luckily, you can set up a child’s account in Windows 10 to make your job as a parent that much easier.

对于您来说,您的孩子是世界上最重要的人,而互联网是一个需要经常保持警惕的可怕地方。 幸运的是,您可以在Windows 10中设置孩子的帐户,以使您作为父母的工作变得容易得多。

We’ve talked about child’s accounts in Windows previously. Microsoft introduced the concept in Windows 8, which takes a standard user account, protects it with Microsoft Family Safety, and integrates it into the operating system. It’s pretty easy to set one up and you can quickly create accounts for you kids, and then protect and monitor their activity in just a few minutes.

我们之前已经讨论过Windows中儿童的帐户。 Microsoft在Windows 8中引入了该概念,该概念采用一个标准用户帐户,并通过Microsoft家庭安全保护它,并将其集成到操作系统中。 设置起来非常容易,您可以在短短几分钟内为您的孩子快速创建帐户,然后保护和监视他们的活动。

Today, we want to show you how to set up child’s accounts on Windows 10 and reintroduce you briefly to Microsoft Family Safety.

今天,我们想向您展示如何在Windows 10上设置孩子的帐户,并简要介绍一下Microsoft家庭安全 。

设置孩子的账户 (Setting Up a Child’s Account)

Setting up user accounts on Windows 10 isn’t drastically different, but as we explained recently, it is different from how it’s done in Windows 8.1.

在Windows 10上设置用户帐户并没有太大的不同,但是正如我们最近解释的那样 ,它与Windows 8.1中的设置不同。

In Windows 10, you will want to open up the Settings, then Accounts, and click on “Family & other users”, then click “Add a family member”.

在Windows 10中,您将要打开“设置”,然后打开“帐户”,然后单击“家庭和其他用户”,然后单击“添加家庭成员”。

On the next screen, click “Add a child”. It’s a good idea that each member of your family, including children, have their own account.

在下一个屏幕上,单击“添加孩子”。 最好每个家庭成员(包括孩子)都有自己的帐户。

Next, you will fill in all the pertinent information needed to set up your child’s account. If they do not have an email account, you can set up an account for them.

接下来,您将填写设置孩子帐户所需的所有相关信息。 如果他们没有电子邮件帐户,则可以为他们设置一个outlook.com帐户。

In order to better protect your child’s account’s security, you will need to enter a telephone number. This way if you’re ever unable to access the account, such as if it is hacked or you forget the password, you can have a code sent to your phone that will let you reset it.

为了更好地保护孩子的帐户的安全,您需要输入电话号码。 这样,如果您无法访问帐户(例如被黑客入侵或忘记密码),则可以将密码发送到手机中,以进行重置。

On the next screen, we uncheck these boxes. It’s entirely up to you, but considering this is a child’s account, we don’t feel either of these options are particularly relevant.

在下一个屏幕上,我们取消选中这些框。 这完全取决于您,但是考虑到这是孩子的帐户,我们认为这些选项都不是特别重要。

That’s it, your child can now log into their account for the first time, and you can set up and configure their account settings using the Microsoft Family Safety tools online.


Alternatively, if you have already established an account for your child and you’re simply adding it to your Windows 10 installation, you will need to make sure to confirm their account before any existing family settings can be applied to their account.

另外,如果您已经为孩子建立了一个帐户,并且只是将其添加到Windows 10安装中,则需要先确认他们的帐户,然后才能将任何现有的家庭设置应用于他们的帐户。

Until you do so, you will see that their account is still pending. They will be able to sign in and use the computer, but they won’t have the protections you have established, so make sure to confirm their account using the email address you signed them up with.

在执行此操作之前,您将看到他们的帐户仍处于待处理状态。 他们将能够登录并使用计算机,但是他们没有您建立的保护,因此请确保使用您注册时使用的电子邮件地址确认他们的帐户。

With your child’s account added, you’re ready to head to the Family Safety website. Click “Manage family settings online” to open a browser and head there now.

添加了孩子的帐户后,您就可以访问家庭安全网站了。 单击“在线管理家庭设置”以打开浏览器并立即前往。

家庭安全概述 (An Overview of Family Safety)

Once you’ve added your child’s account, you can manage those family safety settings from the Family Safety website. The recent activity settings will collect your child’s activity and email reports to you, both of which you can disable.

添加孩子的帐户后,您可以从家庭安全网站管理那些家庭安全设置。 最近的活动设置将收集您孩子的活动并向您发送电子邮件报告,您都可以将其禁用。

The first item you will want to consider is the “web browsing” category. You can “block inappropriate websites” and there is a check box to constrain your child’s web browsing to only websites on the allowed list.

您要考虑的第一项是“网络浏览”类别。 您可以“阻止不适当的网站”,并且有一个复选框将您孩子的网络浏览限制为仅允许列表中的网站。

Here, you can explicitly allow and block websites. If you elected to “only see websites on the allowed list,” then this will be where you will add websites to the “Always allow these” list.

在这里,您可以明确允许和阻止网站。 如果您选择“仅在允许的列表中看到网站”,则将在此处将网站添加到“始终允许这些”列表中。

The next category is to limit apps and games from three to twenty-year-olds, or not at all. Note, as you change the age, the ratings will change as well.

下一个类别是将应用程序和游戏的年龄限制在三岁到二十岁之间,或者完全不限制。 请注意,随着年龄的增长,收视率也会随之变化。

You can also explicitly allow or block apps and games, just as you would with websites.


Finally, you can choose when your child uses the computer. You can decide how early and late they can use it, as well as how many hours per day. This means that even though your child may be able to use the computer throughout the entire day, you can still limit how many hours they’re allowed to use it.

最后,您可以选择您的孩子何时使用计算机。 您可以决定他们可以使用该服务的时间早晚,以及每天可以使用几个小时。 这意味着即使您的孩子可能在一整天都可以使用计算机,您仍然可以限制允许他们使用计算机的时间。

Microsoft has greatly simplified how parents can apply controls to their children’s accounts so if you’re new to all this, you should find it pretty easy to figure out. Having such controls in place should give you peace of mind to let your kids use the computer without too much adult supervision.

Microsoft极大地简化了父母如何将控制应用于孩子的帐户的操作,因此,如果您不熟悉这一切,则应该很容易理解。 有了这样的控件,应该让您放心,让您的孩子在无需太多成年人监督的情况下使用计算机。

Keep in mind that if you add an existing account to your Windows installation, you won’t be able to monitor it until you verify it via email. Until you do that, your child can log into the computer and it will not be monitored by Family Safety.

请记住,如果您将现有帐户添加到Windows安装中,则只有通过电子邮件验证后才能对其进行监视。 在执行此操作之前,您的孩子可以登录计算机,并且家庭安全不会对其进行监视。

If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.




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