
The Parental Controls feature is a valuable tool for controlling the amount of time your children spend on the computer and the programs they’re using. Today we take a look at how to setup and use Parental Controls in Windows 7.

家长控制功能是控制孩子在计算机上使用的时间及其所使用程序的宝贵工具。 今天,我们来看看如何在Windows 7中设置和使用家长控制。

家长控制权 (Parental Controls)

To access Parental Controls open the Start Menu and type parental controls into the Search box and hit Enter.

要访问家长控制,请打开“开始”菜单,然后在“搜索”框中键入家长控制 ,然后按Enter。

Alternatively you can open Control Panel and click on Parental Controls.


When you open Parental Controls, click on the child’s account you want to set up.


Make sure to password protect your Administrator account…otherwise anyone can turn off Parental Controls and use the computer with no restrictions.


If you see a password hasn’t been set when you go into Parental Controls, click on the message and you’ll be prompted and Ensure Administrator Passwords.


Under Parental Controls mark the radio button next to On, enforce current settings. Then you can go through and control their computer time, games, and programs.

在“家长控制”下,选中“开”旁边的单选按钮,强制执行当前设置 。 然后,您可以检查并控制他们的计算机时间,游戏和程序。

设定时间限制 (Set Time Limits)

Click on Time limits to control when your child has access to the computer. If you want to only allow a few hours each day, it’s easiest to left-click and drag the mouse across all of the time slots to block them. Then allow the time blocks when you want to make the computer available.

单击时间限制以控制您的孩子何时可以访问计算机。 如果您每天只允许几个小时,最简单的方法是在所有时隙上单击鼠标左键并将其拖动以阻止它们。 然后在要使计算机可用时留出时间限制。

控制游戏 (Control Games)

Click on Games to control the type of access your child has to games on the computer. You can completely block all games or select games by ratings and game names. These game ratings are based on the Entertainment Software Rating Board.

单击游戏以控制您的孩子对计算机上的游戏的访问类型。 您可以完全阻止所有游戏,也可以按等级和游戏名称选择游戏。 这些游戏等级基于娱乐软件等级委员会。

You can also select different game rating systems if it’s more appropriate for your location or if you like a certain system better than another.


You can also block games based on the type of content it contains…and it gives you a lot of choices.


控制程序 (Control Programs)

If you want to restrict certain programs on the machine, click on Allow and block specified programs then scroll through the list of installed programs and block them.

如果要限制计算机上的某些程序,请单击“ 允许”并阻止指定的程序,然后滚动浏览已安装程序的列表并阻止它们。

附加控制 (Additional Controls)

Windows 7 doesn’t have a Web Filter included like Vista did. If you want additional controls like Web Filtering and activity reports, you’ll need to install Windows Live Family Safety which is part of the Window Live Essentials suite. With it you can block access to certain sites and also get access to an activity report that shows you what sites your children have been visiting.

Windows 7不像Vista那样包含Web筛选器。 如果您需要其他控件(如Web筛选和活动报告),则需要安装Windows Live Family Safety,它是Window Live Essentials套件的一部分。 有了它,您可以阻止对某些网站的访问,还可以访问活动报告,该报告向您显示孩子们正在访问哪些网站。

Everything can be controlled online which makes it nice if you want to access a report or change settings while at work.


The Parental Controls feature is easy to use and helps you administer how your children use the computer. Of course nothing is perfect or foolproof and the Parental Controls won’t replace good old fashioned “real parenting” but it makes it easier.

家长控制功能易于使用,可帮助您管理孩子如何使用计算机。 当然,没有什么是完美的或万无一失的,并且家长控制系统不会取代良好的老式“真实育儿”,但它使它变得更容易。

Download Windows Live Family Safety

下载Windows Live家庭安全



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